1.   Whereas Satan signifies a major submasculine revolt against if not a strictly superfeminine 'progenitor' then, at any rate, a quasi-superfeminine one, Christ signifies a masculine revolt against a minor submasculine 'progenitor', the Father standing to Christ as the emotional brain to the intellectual one, and therefore as a sort of sub-purgatorial deity to a purgatorial deity who happens to be the cynosure of Christian cerebration.  In this respect, the Father is at an antithetical remove from the Holy Ghost, whose spiritual standing with regard to the brain warrants identification with the concept of a super-purgatorial deity, the 'Third Person' of the 'Holy Trinity' of cerebral and/or lunar deities within the broadly nonconformist framework of Christian phenomenality.


2.   Were Jehovah literally to be regarded as 'Creator of the Universe', as the Bible would have us believe, He would have to be identified with the metachemical/metanoumenal objectivity of superfeminine gender, and thus be accorded parity with the Clear Light of the Void (Space), after the manner of Hindu precedence.  Few people, least of all Jewish, would wish to regard Him in that light, and I, for one, would have difficulty squaring the Biblical account of Him with anything superfeminine, even if certain of His acts and attitudes, stemming from jealousy and vengefulness, were less than credibly submasculine, as germane to His Satanic offspring!  Yet the notion of a 'Creator of the Universe' does in fact correlate with something that is not only anterior to the solar plane, but effectively stellar or cosmic, and thus very much germane to the superfeminine.  Therefore we either have to dismiss such a concept in connection with God, or the notion thereof, as absurd, or resort to regarding Jehovah as One with the Clear Light of the Void, and hence superfeminine primacy.  But, as the reader may have gathered by now, superfeminine primacy and the Devil or, at any rate, the Devil of sensuality (Antidevil) are really one and the same thing!


3.   Thus if Jehovah is really equivalent to the Clear Light ... He is the Devil, and what 'fell' from Him or His 'Heaven', being submasculine in its aural subjectivity, was a sort of subgod, the Satanic beast of solar flame.  Therefore it is Jehovah who is if not literally the Devil (of superfeminine primacy) then at least the nearest thing to Her within the Judaic framework, a sort of twisted Devil who, in His non-Aryan and Hebraic origins, is a bit closer to the godly, viz. the Satanic beast of submasculine revolt against superfeminine primacy.  Suffice it to say that Satan is as preferable to Jehovah, or the Judaic 'Clear Light' ... as David to Saul and/or Moses, the shepherd boy to the jealous king and/or Egyptian prince.  For the submasculine revolt is a precondition of supermasculine redemption, or the abandonment of the beast for what is truly godly, viz. the supreme beingfulness of the Holy Spirit of Heaven.  The superman arises from out the subhuman, and from nowhere else!