1.   To diverge as illusion through backbrain Space from the woe of super-unconscious Space, but to converge as strength through forebrain Time towards the pride of sub-unconscious Time.


2.   To diverge as weakness through backbrain Time from the humility of subconscious Time, but to converge as truth through forebrain Space towards the joy of superconscious Space.


3.   To diverge as ignorance through right-midbrain Volume from the hate of unconscious Volume, but to converge as beauty through right-midbrain Mass towards the pleasure of unconscious Mass.


4.   To diverge as ugliness through left-midbrain Mass from the pain of conscious Mass, but to converge as knowledge through left-midbrain Volume towards the love of conscious Volume.


5.   Whether things diverge, in sensuality, objectively or subjectively ... will depend on the charge of the element involved, which has to do with its effective 'gender'.  Thus as photons are negative (in relation to the superfeminine) and protons ... positive (in relation to the submasculine), it follows that divergence from the glory of elemental photons via the power of molecular photons will be objective, whereas divergence from the glory of elemental protons via the power of molecular protons will be subjective.


6.   Likewise, as electrons are negative (in relation to the outer feminine) and neutrons if not positive then, at any rate, neutral (in relation to the outer masculine), it follows that divergence from the glory of elemental electrons via the power of molecular electrons will be objective, whereas divergence from the glory of elemental neutrons via the power of molecular neutrons will be subjective or, at any rate, subjective with a neutral qualification ('subjective'?).


7.   Conversely, whether things converge, in sensibility, objectively or subjectively ... will depend on the charge of the elementino involved, which has to do with its effective 'gender'.  Thus as photinos are negative (in relation to the subfeminine) and protinos ... positive (in relation to the supermasculine), it follows that convergence towards the glory of elemental photinos via the power of molecular photinos will be objective, whereas convergence towards the glory of elemental protinos via the power of molecular protinos will be subjective.


8.   Likewise, as electrinos are negative (in relation to the inner feminine) and neutrinos ... positive (in relation to the inner masculine), it follows that convergence towards the glory of elemental electrinos via the power of molecular electrinos will be objective, whereas convergence towards the glory of elemental neutrinos via the power of molecular neutrinos will be 'subjective'.


9.   It seems to me that the gender distinction we have contended to exist between women as double negative in photons/photinos and electrons/electrinos, roughly corresponding to fire and to water, and men as double positive (or, at any rate, neutral + positive) in neutrons/neutrinos and protons/protinos, roughly corresponding to earth (vegetation) and to air, ties-up with the well-known genetic distinction between the sexes, with women being ascribed double X chromosomes and men an X-Y chromosomal bias, the former blowing hot and cold in fire and water, but the latter turning heavy and light by turns in earth and air.  Hence the photon/photino X of the space-time continuum of falling fire would co-exist, in women, with the electron/electrino X of the volume-mass continuum of falling water in a double negativity of objective divergence and/or convergence, whereas the neutron/neutrino X (effectively neutral) of the mass-volume continuum of rising vegetation would co-exist, in men, with the proton/protino Y of the time-space continuum of rising air in a negative/positive or, rather, neutral/positive relationship of subjective divergence and/or convergence.


10.  It is my belief that the co-existence of X and Y in the male is only possible because of the effectively neutral status of the X, which is drawn towards the feminine X (of falling water), but is also open to the divine Y (of rising air).  For man can aspire towards God, as from neutrons/neutrinos to protons/protinos, whereas woman can only fall back on the Devil, as from electrons/electrinos to photons/photinos.  Some 'men' are of course less masculine than divine anyway, since centred in protons/protinos, just as some 'women' are less feminine than diabolic, since rooted in photons/photinos.  But it is probably safe to maintain that the majority of men and women (certainly in the West) are less divine or diabolic than predominantly masculine or feminine, with purgatorial or worldly allegiances to natural phenomena.  Those, on the contrary, with heavenly or hellish allegiances to supernatural noumena will not typify man or woman, since effectively of God or the Devil.