1.   Where, formerly in my philosophy, I was apt to equate negativity with sensuality and positivity with sensibility, quite as though they were the alpha and omega of things, I am now at last in a position to avoid such an error, since negativity, as we have seen, is equivalent to objectivity, while positivity is equivalent to subjectivity, neither of which are exclusively alpha or omega.  Thus whereas the outer senses of seeing and tasting are predominantly negative because objective, the outer senses of hearing and touching, by contrast, are predominantly positive because subjective.  Conversely, whereas the inner senses of breathing and thinking are predominantly positive because subjective, so the inner senses of feeling and conceiving are predominantly negative because objective.  God is positive and the Devil ... negative, whether in terms of sensuality or of sensibility, alpha or omega, while man is 'positive' or, at any rate, neutral with a positive bias, and woman negative, whether in sensuality or in sensibility.


2.   The American West is, by and large, diabolically negative, which is to say objective with regard to the supernatural planes of falling fire in Space-Time (spatial-repetitive), whereas the Asian East is, by and large, divinely positive, which is to say, subjective with regard to the supernatural planes of rising air in Time-Space (sequential-spaced).  Conversely, the European North is, by and large, purgatorially positive with regard to the natural planes of rising vegetation in Mass-Volume (massive-voluminous), whereas the African South is, by and large, mundanely negative with regard to the natural planes of falling water in Volume-Mass (volumetric-massed).


3.   The formation of the World and the development of life on it must have happened in approximately the following way: first came falling fire, which slowly turned to steam; then came falling water as the steam condensed; next came rising vegetation, as nature began to take shape from out the Deluge; finally rising air took wings from nature to replenish the atmosphere.  Thus the Earth arose as we have known it since the dawn of autonomous life.  Falling fire - falling water - rising vegetation - rising air.  Devil - woman - man - God, or something to that effect.


4.   Certainly, man is the bridge to God, rising vegetation to rising air, the brain to the lungs in relation to sensibility, and therefore the guardian, through Christ, of that which leads to the Holy Spirit (of Heaven).  Only a Church which is genuinely nonconformist, in Christian terms, will adequately reflect this fact of masculinity being a stepping-stone to divinity, or the 'peace that surpasses all understanding'.


5.   Of course, it is possible, as I believe I have shown, for masculinity to become an end-in-itself, as in the rather more Puritan context of Protestant nonconformism, where the Son (being writerly) is less likely to lead towards the Holy Spirit than back towards the (readerly) Father in a Puritan/Presbyterian opposition to the (Anglican) Mother.  Nevertheless, even the Catholic Son, or Christ Child, will only lead towards the Holy Spirit, and thus to a pseudo-transcendentalist shortfall, relative to Christianity, from the Holy Spirit of Heaven, which is genuinely transcendentalist, and therefore truly divine.  Such a divinity can only be reached via the Second Coming, who is or can become a bridge to the peace of ultimate Heaven.  He can also become or be turned into an end-in-himself, serving as a 'New Purgatory' for those who would feel ill at-ease in such a Heaven.  He can also be set apart from a 'New Earth' down below, in what would be the ultimate humanism, the humanism of the Mary Child, so to speak, in the lowest tier of 'Kingdom Come'.  For, assuredly, we cannot squeeze the whole world, the whole of humanity, into just one tier, say Heaven, as though mankind in toto were predestined for such a divine fate!  The Beyond, if and when it comes, must be triadic, with an ultimate humanism, an ultimate nonconformism, and an ultimate transcendentalism, corresponding to the World, Purgatory, and Heaven, or to Mass, Volume, and Space, or to beauty, knowledge, and truth, all of which would be beyond the ravages of Father Time in the sanctuary of Eternal Life, an Eternity to which the Beautiful in Mass and the Knowledgeable in Volume will have just as much entitlement as the True in Space, as a 'New Earth', a 'New Purgatory', and a 'New Heaven' are simultaneously brought to pass, with giving and taking beside or, rather, beneath being, like woman and man beneath God.