1.   Although everyone (except the Diabolic) would benefit from the prospect of a triadic Beyond, man and superman, or Nonconformists and Transcendentalists, would benefit most, since any Christian-type arrangement is designed primarily to deliver man from woman and allow for the possibility of God (superman).  When this is not the case, because the reality is rather more Heathen than Christian, man simply loses out to woman and God to the Devil.  In fact, God is effectively excluded from societies in which the Devil is free to do whatever it takes to secure feminine interests at man's expense.  When the Devil is free, then man is 'up against it', because woman can bring the full range of her X-X chromosomal integrity to bear on his X-Y chromosomes, effectively isolating the X from the Y, which is then all the more vulnerable to her dominion.  For women, being devolutionary in their negativity, do to give, drawing on superfeminine/subfeminine qualities to enhance their femininity, and men can hardly take to be, in due evolutionary fashion, if the Y of their being has been so conclusively isolated ... that all they have left is an X amenable to female persuasion.  God, clearly, will be 'beyond the pale' of any man who is overly subject to the dominion of woman/the Devil!


2.   Thus if this situation is to be reversed, so that man can, if desirable, get to God or, at the very least, have more respect for himself (as a Nonconformist), then the Devil must be neutralized.  This means that women must be deprived, in no small degree, of the opportunity of utilizing their superfeminine and/or subfeminine qualities in what amounts to a pact with the Devil.  For if women are free to exploit the Devil, there can be no hope for God, Who will continue to languish 'beyond the pale' of what men are subject to ... under duress of female domination.  Women, in short, must be 'put in their place', which, with  regard to my ideal society, means the bottom tier of the triadic Beyond, the 'New Earth' of the Mary Child.


3.   But the only way this can happen is by 'resurrecting the Dead', which is to say, by ensuring that the 'inner-light' reality of the grace relevant to 'Mother Earth' achieves a synthetic transmutation with regard to the 'feminine' tier of the triadic Beyond, so that large quantities of synthetic hallucinogens become readily available to counter women's fatality, through the eyes, for the outer light.  In other words, only by keeping them regularly doped on drugs that, like LSD, would confine their objectivity to visionary pastures ... will it be possible to constrain them as women and prevent them climbing back towards the Devil, since they will then be too preoccupied with the inner light to have much time or inclination for the outer one, the source of Original Sin.  Only thus will it be possible to keep woman down and the Devil effectively marginalized, if not entirely excluded.  In that respect, the triadic Beyond will radically contrast with the kinds of situations that prevail these days, when women are free to capitalize on the outer light, usually through their eyes, to a degree which keeps them diabolically in the ascendant over men.  Never could it be said, with more justification, that women were less 'in their place' than in the late-twentieth century!