1.   However, if men are not to regress, in 'Kingdom Come', to an objective stance before women ... such that would detract from their liberation from the World in the second tier of our projected triadic Beyond, then they, too, should duly have recourse to certain drugs that, in contrast to the hallucinogens, will 'firm up' their subjectivity and thus keep them more aloof from the World or, at any rate, the 'New Earth' below.  Such drugs may well include heroin and cannabis, and would be administered on a selective basis, as and when circumstances required.  For the Saved of the 'New Purgatory' would not be 'above drugs', the way their divine counterparts in the 'New Heaven' should be, since men and women share a phenomenal relativity that falls short of the noumenal absolutism of God, not to mention the Devil (who would, in any case, be excluded from 'Kingdom Come').  Those closest to Heaven in the second tier of the triadic Beyond would probably not have need of such 'subjectivity-enhancing drugs' as their less-elevated fellows there, and for them study should suffice.  But for less subjective males, the availability of these drugs would assist their purgatorial growth and discourage them from regarding women in traditionally sexist terms.  Reproduction would increasingly become an artificial affair, subject to technological regulation.  For once you remove the Devil from the overall frame, divinely-sanctioned alternatives to conventional reproductive techniques would have to be developed.


2.   The chief beneficiaries of 'Kingdom Come', as already noted, would of course be God first and foremost and man secondarily, which is to say,  the divine and masculine tiers of our projected triadic Beyond, in which transcendentalism and nonconformism were taken to new heights of spiritual and intellectual accomplishment respectively.  Woman would also benefit, despite her comparatively lowly place in relation to the 'New Earth', since she would be delivered from the Devil, the Devil of superfeminine-to-subfeminine objectivity, and thus be able to develop her femininity in more intensively humanist terms than would otherwise be possible.  In fact, she will be no less the beneficiary of Eternity than man and God, since each tier portends the possibility of subsequent transmutation from human to post-human via cyborg stages, this latter effectively transitional between mankind and the post-human life forms of the much longer-term, when, if all goes according to plan, what I call superbeings, suprabeings, and ultrabeings would emerge into the daylight of a much more radical triadic Beyond, one ultimately comprised, it may well be, of artificially supported and sustained right-midbrain collectivizations, left-midbrain collectivizations, and forebrain collectivizations, each of which would have a capacity to experience its particular sensibility (be it in beauty, knowledge, or truth) to an extent infinitely beyond anything possible on the human plane, including the divinely human or supermasculine plane of meditating Transcendentalists in the 'New Heaven' of our projected triadic Beyond.


3.   Yes, the potential for Eternity is infinite, and women will be no less entitled to Eternal Life than the men and supermen of the 'New Purgatory' and 'New Heaven' respectively ranged above them.  Thus everybody wins, although the chief beneficiaries, to repeat, will be man and superman, since God is only possible when the Devil is excluded, and a society in which every encouragement is given to man to break free of woman, and of the superman to attain to God or, rather, of God to attain to the superman transpires in what would be effectively Superchristian in its radically subjective bias.  In such a society God wins, the Devil loses (is marginalized if not ostracized), man gains his freedom (from woman) and woman is bound (to herself), thereby ceasing to diabolically boss and constrain men to the Devil's rule.  For only when woman is 'put in her place' (the bottom tier of the triadic Beyond) will man be free either to remain himself or, if capable, attain to the superman, thereby passing from the X of his neutrino self (in the brain) to the Y of his protino self (in the lungs), the divine self of an ultimate subjectivity in the Holy Spirit of Heaven.