1.   At the end of the day, Britain is a superstate, a combination of three countries which make up Great Britain.  Such a superstate, rooted or, to be fairer, centred in the 'blood royal', owes more to the Devil than ever it does to God (Who, in any true sense, is 'beyond the pale').  Indeed, it is fundamentally barbarous, like the British themselves, who derive their 'national' characteristics from this superstate, not the least daunting of which is a passion for 'greatness'.  One day, if God is to triumph over the Devil, Great Britain will have to devolve, democratically and willingly, to its component countries, so that Ireland no longer has a barbarous giant breathing fire down its neck.  Something recognizably British, in a looser and more geographic sense, will of course remain, but it would not be characterized by a single polity, as at present.


2.   Naturally, what applies to the English and Scotch and Welsh British also applies to the Ulster British, to Ulster loyalists, who are no less, and in some cases even more, pertinent to British barbarism, to the barbarism, within a superstate framework, of being British or, in their case, descended from the British.  The United Kingdom is, as I have already intimated, fundamentally a kingdom of the Devil/Hell, a kingdom centred in the 'blood royal' and necessarily suspicious of, if not hostile towards, anything Irish, meaning godly and cultural, or that which is 'beyond the pale' of the well-established British commitments to science, politics, and economics.  Religion is such a thing, and the British will go to any lengths, particularly in Northern Ireland, to denigrate it as something unworthy of 'rational' minds, meaning, of course, minds rooted in the empirical objectivity of science and objective inquiry generally.  Doubtless those of an overly scientific persuasion are the most against it, and for them it is not a means to the peace of Eternity, but superstitious nonsense!  And the others, the political and the economical, had better believe them, or else!


3.   Frankly, I think it high time that the crass superficiality of such barbarous jerks should be exposed for all to see, so that, appalled by its small-mindedness, those of less extreme reactionary views might recoil in horror and dismay from what they have had to endure in the name of 'British/Protestant solidarity', etc., and begin to turn their attention towards the Irish instead, the long-suffering and much denigrated Catholic Irish, whose boots their chief denigrators would be unworthy to lick, much less clean!  Let them turn away from the fundamentalist devils, whether scientific or military, and begin to view their Irish neighbours not as a papist threat to scientific and other such barbarous freedoms but, rather, as potential allies in the development, through democratic will, of the triadic Beyond, a pluralist Beyond in which their beautiful and knowledgeable approaches to religion will have no less of a place than the comparatively more truthful, or truth-oriented, approach of those traditionally regarded and denigrated as Papists.  Let them realize that neither monarchy nor papacy can have any place in the triadic Beyond, since such a goal stretches beyond both Protestant monarchism and Catholic papacy alike, just as it would leave parliamentary democracy and republican democracy, the Union Jack and the tricolour, in its triadic wake.


4.   'Kingdom Come', as we may also call the triadic Beyond, will not be a kingdom of woman/the World and man/Purgatory living under the Devil/Hell, like the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but a 'kingdom' of woman, man, and God ... in that ascending order, an order in which, with the diabolism of Father Time consigned to the rubbish heap of history, the feminine, the masculine, and the Divine will be taken to new and altogether unprecedented peaks of refinement, until, eventually, following the transmutation of mankind along 'superhuman' lines, only superbeings, suprabeings, and ultrabeings remain, to carry beauty, knowledge, and truth beyond the Earth to the Space Centres of Supermillennial futurity.  For in the Supermillennium, Mass and Volume will be raised, together with Space, into space, and accordingly become comparatively more heavenly.


5.   Beyond the 'Devils' of science lie the 'women' of politics, the 'men' of economics, and the 'Gods' of religion.  From the 'falling fire' of science to the 'rising air' of religion via the 'falling water' of politics and the 'rising vegetation' of economics, as from barbarism to culture via civilization and nature.