1.   To be saved from something is not to be freed, or liberated from it, but to be delivered from evil/vice to virtue/good, delivered to the inner power/glory of sensibility from the outer glory/power of sensuality.  Since sensuality is apparent and sensibility ... essential, the one extrinsic and the other intrinsic, it could also be argued that salvation is to be delivered from the centrifugal divergence, in freedom, of the one to the centripetal convergence, in binding, of the other, bearing in mind that freedom is a vicious curse and binding a virtuous blessing.


2.   Although freedom is a vicious curse, it is preferable, or less bad, than the damnation of being confined, by external powers, to an outer glory against one's will, which is enslavement, and therefore something from which one can only be liberated, i.e. freed, to have the right to diverge, or dissent, in due centrifugal course.


3.   Freedom, or the ability to viciously diverge from an evil glory, can be either objective or subjective, negative or positive, but will always be a curse, just as binding, or the ability to virtuously converge upon a good glory, will always be a blessing, whether objective and negative or subjective and positive, which is to say, diabolic/feminine or divine/masculine, depending on the plane.


4.   Worse than the positive freedoms of subjective divergence are the negative freedoms of objective divergence.  Better than the negative bindings of objective convergence are the positive bindings of subjective convergence.


5.   Worse than weakness diverging from humility on the chemical plane of subjective supernature, and of ugliness diverging from pain on the physical plane of subjective nature ... is illusion diverging from woe on the metachemical plane of objective supernature, and of ignorance diverging from hatred on the metaphysical plane of objective nature.


6.   Better than strength converging towards pride on the chemical plane of objective supernature, and of beauty converging towards pleasure on the physical plane of objective nature ... is truth converging towards joy on the metachemical plane of subjective supernature, and of knowledge converging towards love on the metaphysical plane of subjective nature.