WISDOM AND FOLLY: Where wisdom and folly co-exist, there, too, is perfection; and you will see that every wise man is also a fool, every fool also wise.  But how could it be otherwise?  A man always learns wisdom from his folly and, just as often, folly from his wisdom.  Is it any disgrace, therefore, to know and foster both of these qualities?

     Beware, you wiser men, the 'fools' who pride themselves on their wisdom, the 'champions of wisdom', quite as though they had transcended the human condition by securing a permanent victory over folly!  They will not help you to understand yourselves.  If you tell them what you know for a fact, they will probably take you for a fool and either send you away or, worse still, attempt to reform you.

     And beware also, you wiser men, the 'fools' who mock man's wisdom and would reduce us all to the level of clambering apes if they thought they could get away with it!  Avoid these 'champions of folly' whose reasoning powers have succumbed to the tyranny of cynicism!  They won't help you to understand yourselves, either.  Each of these types is too extreme to be praiseworthy; they acknowledge either the sun or the moon, but never both!  That is their greatest misfortune, you wiser men.

     But you need not be ashamed of your folly or embarrassed by your wisdom.  They are not enemies but close partners in the business of life.  You are wise enough to be realists and foolish enough to know why.

     So see to it, you wiser men, that your integrity doesn't desert you when it is most needed, i.e. when pitched against your enemies - the lopsided!