HAPPINESS AND SADNESS: But you happy men, you to whom the word 'sadness' is an invitation to happiness, a bridge and not an obstacle to your subsequent happiness, a reprieve and a homecoming at the same time - see to it, you happy men, that you do not lose track of happiness in the jungle of your sadness!

     Beware those men who would have you cut back on your sadness to a point where you can hardly discern your happiness because there is all path and no jungle.  They are very often the 'teachers of happiness', but their teachings are such that the man who follows them becomes sadder than he would otherwise be, and eventually loses himself in their complications.  Instead of setting out simple rules for the guidance of the student, they set his path with tricks and traps which only confuse him the more.  Instead of showing him the way to greater happiness, they bind him to formulae which prevent his discovering it.  Instead of making him happier, they teach him to cut back on his happiness so that he may become less sad.  Such, my readers, is the wisdom of the 'teachers of happiness'!

     But you have no need of such lethal advice, you happy men, for you do not fear sadness and neither do you wish to escape it.  You know that without sadness there would be no happiness, and that he who wishes to be happy must first learn to accept sadness and not foolishly endeavour to escape it.

     Sadness, you happy men, is not the enemy of your happiness but its closest friend.  It is 'she', and no other, who gives you happiness and then takes it away when you have had enough, in order that you may have more when you deserve it.  It is 'she', and no other, who gives meaning to your happiness and, by breaking it up, prevents you from becoming bored with it.  It is 'she', and no other, who makes happiness possible, and whom you ought to thank for it.  So what is a book on happiness to you happy men, but an excuse for merriment at the expense of some dupe's illusions?

     Be careful then, you happy men, that you are not led astray by the 'enemies of sadness', else you may quickly lose track of your happiness as well!  It is not your fate to become a living corpse!