CERTAINTY AND DOUBT: One never has doubts about one's certainties, one has doubts for them.  Without the intermittent prevalence of doubt, what certainty could one be expected to have?

     Am I not certain that I am a human being with two arms, two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth, and walk about on two legs?  Yes, of course I am!  And do I not have doubts, from time to time, about the future, the weather, my health, work, the nature of my dreams, etc.  Yes, of course I do!

     But there are those who contend that we can have no certainties, can never be certain about anything since, according to them, certainties are merely illusory - a contention from which we ought to conclude that doubts are, too!  Yet isn't the theory that we can have no certainties fundamentally a certainty?  It definitely sounds like one anyway, even if it happens to be false.

     Whatever we hear, however, no matter how fantastic, there are still many amongst us who firmly believe in the reality of certainty and in the equally pervasive reality of doubt.  And if one is to retain one's certainty, one must assuredly know how to doubt!  For the latter is, after all, the legitimate foundation upon which the former is built.

     So see to it, you certain men, that your foundations are secure, else the 'doubters of certainty' may uproot your doubts as well!