STRENGTH AND WEAKNESS: Were it not for his weaknesses a man would be unable to boast of his strengths.  Is it clear to you exactly what is being implied by this statement, you strong men?  Do you not see that boasting is a weakness which enables a man to draw attention to his strengths?

     Yes, of course you do, and that is precisely why you are all boasters, you strong men, because you are insufficiently strong to be able to manage without your weaknesses.

     But boasting is not your only weakness, nor even your worst, and some of you boast far less than others, in order to cultivate different weaknesses the more!

     Indeed, there are so many weaknesses about you that it is often difficult for one to know exactly where a weakness ends and a strength begins.  You fool others as much as you fool yourselves, you strong men, and sometimes, at the height of an unreasonable or vainglorious mood, you are even audacious enough to pretend to not having any weaknesses - a foolish pretence if ever there was one, since your strengths aren't sufficiently independent to be able to manage without them!

     But, even so, it is not altogether surprising that your weaknesses should occasionally lead you to disown your strengths.  For you are not meant to be all strength.

     And neither are you meant to pay attention to those who would have you eliminate your weaknesses for the sake of your strengths, since such people will not help you to understand yourselves, you strong men, and will probably make you weaker than you should be.  They do not see, these shallow 'preachers of strength', that man isn't meant to be all strength, and so every weakness they detect in another person is inevitably magnified out of all proportion, as though it constituted a real danger to strength.

     But their refusal to tolerate weakness is the only real danger to strength, you strong men, so beware the enemies of weakness!

     And beware also the enemies of strength, the self-righteous 'preachers of weakness', lest they cheat you out of your self-confidence and reduce you to the base level of their cringing servility!  Man isn't meant to live by strength alone, but neither is he meant to be entirely weak!

     So see to it, you strong men, that you remain both strong and weak for the sake of your strengths!