Paradoxically Subverted Realities of the Phenomenal Hegemonic Positions.  However, as has been shown in the past by me, the worldly hegemonic positions, being relative, can - and usually are - subject to axial subversion by the under-plane element (anti-element) at the behest of the corresponding gender over-plane element above, be it metachemical or metaphysical, and this usually results in a degree of bound-psychic emphasis paradoxically typifying the southwest point of the intercardinal axial compass in what has been called church-hegemonic terms and, by contrast, a degree of bound-somatic emphasis paradoxically typifying the southeast point of the said axis in what I have hitherto called state-hegemonic terms, both phenomenal points of the overall compass therefore being typified, in mass vein, by binding rather than, as with their noumenal counterparts above, by freedom.  Therefore, in theory (if not always in practice) both phenomenal positions at the southwest point of the intercardinal axial compass will exemplify the paradoxically subversive realities of rectangles within ellipses vis-à-vis squares within circles where their noumenal counterparts at the northeast point of the said compass on the church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis are concerned, whereas again in theory (if not always in practice) both phenomenal positions at the southeast point of the intercardinal axial compass will exemplify the paradoxically subversive realities of ellipses within rectangles vis-à-vis circles within squares where their noumenal counterparts at the northwest point of the said compass on the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis are concerned.  For that which is led by psyche will always exemplify male dominance in overall axial terms, in contrast to the female dominance of whatever is ruled by soma in such terms.