The Antichristian/Anti-unheathen Integrity of Antiphysics.  Likewise, I should like to bring to the antiphysical distinction between anti-nurturalism, so to speak, and anti-unnaturalism, or, in alternative if equivalent terminology, anti-consciousness and anti-unsensuousness, a like distinction between anti-christianity and anti-unheathenism (which transmute into pseudo-christian and pseudo-unheathen in relation to pseudo-physics).  Hence rather than a simple ascription of antichristian (in the anti-puritan sense) to the antiphysical anti-elemental context, as before, I should like to reduce that to the psychic component, and allow for an identification of anti-unheathenism with its somatic component, the former bound under chemical hegemonic pressure and the latter free under such pressure, the former dark and the latter bright, in accordance with the 2½:1½ ratio of psyche to soma deriving from physics which, under chemical pressure, makes for an 'anti-standard'/'anti-unstandard' distinction between the two aspects of antiphysics, a relatively antimale anti-element in which psyche precedes and preponderates over soma in the manner described, with a contrast, in consequence, between anti-christian-cum-pseudo-christian pseudo-death and anti-unheathen-cum-pseudo-unheathen pseudo-life, the pseudo-ignorance and pseudo-pain of sin coupled to the pseudo-knowledge (carnal) and pseudo-pleasure of folly in an anti-elemental-cum-pseudo-elemental context that, being anti-phenomenally subjective (or phenomenally anti-subjective), is meek in its unsaved and unblessed relative unholiness in relation to massed force, or antiforce.