51. But metaphysical idealism is more than just a basis for metaphysical transcendentalism to achieve its End; it is also the means whereby antimetachemical antimaterialism is established in the Beauty of Antidevil the Antimother and the Love of Antihell the Unclear Spirit, without which secondary state-subordinate manifestations of antimetachemistry there would be no beautiful approach to Truth of the Antidaughter of the Antidevil and no loving approach to Joy of the Unclear Soul of Antihell to bring anti-Vanity Fair to a secondary church-hegemonic complement to the primary church-hegemonic standing of the Truth of God the Father and the Joy of Heaven the Holy Soul in the graceful aspects of the Celestial City, aspects which not only stand above, remember, but precede their wise aspects in the Son of God and the Holy Spirit of Heaven.


52. Of course, in overall elemental terms, that which is first and foremost in the noumenally sensible and anti-noumenally sensual context of the North East point of our axial compass is last in terms of its proper and definitive coming to pass within a civilization characterized by global universality.  God per se is anything but a first mover in relation to the other points of this compass, where, at least in their per se manifestations, that which is phenomenally less than if not noumenally contrary to God is first mover, as in the context of noumenal sensuality coupled to anti-noumenal sensibility, which we have identified with the North West point of our axial compass and contend to be dominated, in metachemical materialism, by Devil the Mother (hyped as God) and Hell the Clear Spirit (hyped as Heaven), the former equivalent to ugliness (hyped as beauty) and the latter to hatred (hyped as love).


53. Therefore the supreme religious irony is that God the Father, while being first mover in the context of noumenal sensibility, which goes on to establish anti-noumenal sensuality as its female companion, appertains to a context which, in its full universal flowering, is the last to properly arise, the want of ‘Kingdom Come’ at the time of writing bearing ample testimony to this situation, since it is dependent not only upon a majority mandate for religious sovereignty in any given country, but requires a democratic precondition, politically, before any such paradoxical utilization of the electoral process could be reasonably envisaged.


54. Moreover, it is inherently tied-up with cyborgization of a sensible order and therefore requires a high degree of technological and environmental development before it can be expected to materialize in any recognizably transcendentalist or, more correctly, idealist (not to mention, for females, antimaterialist) shape, and this is not likely to happen until such time as, following the aforesaid majority mandate from the electorate, steps are duly taken to develop, within the Social Theocratic Centre, the necessary means whereby transcendentalism coupled, for females, to antifundamentalism can be established and systematically advanced.


55. For it is no good putting the cart before the horse, so to speak, and having a society in which idealism takes precedence over transcendentalism and antimaterialism precedence over antifundamentalism, as could happen if Messianic intervention or direction was identified, too narrowly and almost pedantically, with a Second Coming of (the Son of God) Christ, and was therefore too narrowly Western and Catholic for the requirements, the more exacting logical requirements, of global civilization.


56. Global civilization, as I have said before, is not Western civilization, and neither is it Eastern civilization or the replacement of Western civilization by Eastern criteria, say Catholicism by Buddhism.  Global civilization stems from a transcendentalist standpoint which is commensurate, theoretically, with God … the Father, and which therefore seeks to establish the Truth, the Word of God, before any prospect of its realization via the development of idealism, allied, be it not forgotten, to antimaterialism and antifundamentalism, could be envisaged, never mind broached.  Therefore the Word of God, which is true and of an ethereally subjective presentation such that I should have no hesitation in identifying with an italic-writerly monochrome text, is what paves the way for its subsequent practical implementation, as psyche, within a male context, precedes soma and the Father, in like metaphorical fashion, precedes the Son.


57. Therefore the motive for the development of transcendentalism and, for females, antifundamentalism, will stem from the Word of God, and will always seek to implement the Truth in terms of hallucinogenic or psychogenic self-realization, whether with regard therefore to the ego or to the soul, the brain stem or the spinal cord, as that which appertains to the ‘horse’, in metaphorical terms, and determines the way and extent to which the ‘cart’ will be constructed and exactly what role it will have in the overall noumenally sensible, not to say anti-noumenally sensual, set-up of ‘Kingdom Come’, or the coming time not of a kingdom so much as an ultimate – because religiously sovereign - republic.


58. Consequently cyborgization is not an end in itself but a means for that which is first and foremost to achieve its true or, more correctly, joyful End.  It will be the synthetically artificial corollary of the synthetically artificial, for a global civilization, approach to self-realization and self-redemption, the means whereby free psyche can be developed to its optimum extent (though to a lesser optimum extent with antifundamentalism than with transcendentalism) in conjunction with the transmutation of bound soma in the aforementioned manner, a manner at once synthetically idealist and synthetically antimaterialist, with the degree of idealism determined by transcendentalism and the degree of antimaterialism by antifundamentalism or, rather, by idealism acting upon antimaterialism and thereby providing the precondition of antifundamentalism as the due female counterpart to transcendentalism.


59. All of this will, of course, take some time to develop and have to take into account the wishes of those who would be empowered to develop free psyche in conjunction with the binding of soma, not be forced upon them but willing to take their concerns and entitlements into account since, in a Social Theocratic Centre, as I keep calling that which would be equivalent to a religiously sovereign people in what can only be the most approximate context to ‘Kingdom Come’, the wishes and rights of the religiously sovereign would have to take precedence over everything else, the administrative aside to what was formerly termed the triadic Beyond simply being there to serve the People – or their post-human if not supra-human successors – to the best of its ability, and therefore both to protect them from external aggression or internal subversion and provide them with every incentive to advance their rights within the context in question.


60. Now if, with the continued existence of external visionary media, these rights are initially more catholic-like than puritanical in character, more internally visionary than meditative, then so be it!  One cannot get to a truly essential stage of psychic freedom overnight, but must take each stage one step at a time, according to the overall global context and reactionary persistence of pre-global criteria of either a Western or an Eastern character.  But even if, eventually, psychic freedom becomes less visionary the more a meditative alternative is developed, such an alternative or, rather, extrapolation from a less essential precondition would be a far cry from anything natural or non-synthetic in character, having emerged within global civilization on a truly universal basis such that would be even more synthetically artificial, if anything, than its visionary counterpart in the earlier stage of global universality.


61. Therefore no return to transcendental meditation, or anything of the kind, but rather a gradual progression from ego to soul, from brain stem to spinal cord, on a basis that suggested a greater role, ultimately, for psychogenic than for hallucinogenic stimulants, not forgetting the place that certain other drugs would have, particularly for females, in a context less transcendentalist than antifundamentalist, and therefore more germane to anti-Vanity Fair than to the Celestial City per se, with a correspondingly greater emphasis, in effect, on somatic curtailment in the overall equation of state-subordinate/church-hegemonic factors.


62. Be that as it may, there can be no doubt that drugs will play a more important role in ‘Kingdom Come’ than ever they could in the alpha-worldly coupled to anti-omegaworldly ‘pseudo’ contexts of the Slough of Despond and anti-Mr Worldly Wise where, when they are not palliatives against the barbarous and pseudo-philistine impositions of Vanity Fair and the anti-Celestial City, they are more likely to lead, under adverse pressures, to death than to Eternal Life.


63. Drugs can be a major problem, but part of that problem is caused by the kind of society that champions external visionary media in film-like vein and automatically takes a poor view of drugs, partly out of self-defence and partly because it does not and cannot understand their true potential or take the time to distinguish those which might be culturally beneficial from their more harmful or retrogressive counterparts.  Frankly, I am no expert on drugs myself, and I tend to take a poor view of things that cause a lot of smoke, but I do know that if you want a better deal than you get from filmic impositions of, more usually, a barbarous or pseudo-philistine nature, you are not going to find it with a bottle of wine or beer or even whiskey, however useful these may be in palliating the horrors or crudities or indignities that tend to characterize the products of Vanity Fair and the anti-Celestial City, including certain types of loud and centrifugal music that glory in spatial space and sequential time, to the detriment of anything musically repetitive or spaced!


64. Drugs, whatever certain reactionary authorities might think, are not going to go away, and although I would not go as far as to encourage their use in a society which is open to filmic media and patently short of Messianic deliverance from alpha-worldly and anti-omegaworldly limitations, I believe they will be crucial in the coming struggle with such a society that ‘Kingdom Come’ will be morally obliged to wage as it strives to develop, on the back of a majority mandate for religious sovereignty, a truly viable alternative to external visionary media which will constitute, vis-à-vis heathenistic convention of a ‘once born’ nature, a genuinely ‘re-born’ situation commensurate with a more than Christian disposition, one which has been characterized as Social Theocratic and identified, in no uncertain terms, with the Centre, as that which would, in the event of a majority mandate for religious sovereignty in any given country capable of conducting a theocratically paradoxical election within the democratic process, replace the church/state relativity of Western civilization in the interests of global universality and, hence, an absolutely ultimate civilization.


65. Of course, there is no guarantee that such a civilization will come about, but if it does, then I foresee a different attitude to drugs or, at any rate, to certain drugs than exists at present within societal frameworks that are anything but universally global and effectively commensurate, give and take the limitations of traditional terminology, with ‘Kingdom Come’.  For in such a civilization there would be less room for alcohol and all that would merely depress the central nervous system and preclude its turning on to Eternal Life and ‘getting high’.  As a palliative to the cruder bombardments of filmic media generally, alcohol is obviously not without its uses; but in the event of a ‘re-born’ alternative to such media being developed within a context antithetical to noumenal sensuality and anti-noumenal sensibility, a divine and antidiabolic context, then it would become redundant and altogether quite superfluous if not counter-productive.


66. Consequently steps would be taken to phase-out alcohol as more stimulating alternatives to it were introduced within the context of the Social Theocratic Centre, alternatives which would leave one in no doubt that the inner light had come to pass as the graceful and, for females, pseudo-punishing rights of a religiously sovereign People, who would never again have to bow, in meek submission, before the tyrannical spectacles of somatic licence, as the Evil and pseudo-Foolish struggle with one another, gender to gender and within the same gender, for dominion over the world, and not just the alpha world and anti-omegaworld of the pseudo-phenomenally sensual and pseudo-antiphenomenally sensible, but, as far as their own state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis is concerned, over the omega world and anti-alphaworld of the pseudo-phenomenally sensible and pseudo-antiphenomenally sensual of what can be called pseudo-Mr Worldly Wise and the pseudo-anti-Slough of Despond, which we have identified with the South East point of our axial compass and know to be financially hand-in-glove, as though in a Faustian pact, with its North West point, the point in which Vanity Fair and the anti-Celestial City have their noumenally sensual and anti-noumenally sensible thrones.


67. Thankfully there is an alternative to that dominion, the domination of males by females in heathenistic indifference to if not rejection of Christian and Christian-like criteria, and it is for those who now correspond, no matter how subvertedly or pessimistically, to the church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis of Catholic tradition to grasp the opportunity when it arises and contribute, democratically and peaceably, to the development of a noumenally sensible and anti-noumenally sensual alternative to all that currently passes for high and mighty, for freedom, even for truth and beauty or, rather, beauty and truth, irrespective if what passes for the latter is frowned upon from a standpoint rooted in Devil the Mother hyped as God and therefore one that is quick to sanctimoniously denigrate anything male from a hegemonic female position, and no less quick to arrogate divine attributes for itself no matter how misguided and mistaken its sense of the Divine may happen to be!


68. But we who know the truth and stand in a somewhat antithetical position to anything noumenally sensual … also know that Beauty is not a divine attribute but an antidiabolic one germane to Antidevil the Antimother, and that there is nothing diabolic about Truth but rather something profoundly divine in noumenally sensible relation to God the Father.  Even the Antison of Antigod is not the Devil for us but, rather, the antigodly male complement to Devil the Mother (hyped as God) whose falsity under the tyrannical reign of ugliness condemns him to the role of ‘fall guy’ for diabolic denigration or, in common parlance, ‘slag’, and enables the First Mover at the North West corner of our axial compass to believe that if She represents Beauty, then Truth must be something objectionable and, hence, diabolic.


69. But, in truth, she has far less to do with Beauty than with ugliness, the ugliness of evil as metachemical somatic licence, and he, her time-honoured ‘fall guy’, has less to do with Truth than with falsity, the illusion of pseudo-folly as antimetaphysical somatic licence, and therefore of somatic licence of a secondary state-hegemonic order that trails behind anything metachemically free and therefore evil, just as, in bound-psychic church-subordinate vein, his woe plays ‘second fiddle’, in antimetaphysics, to the hatred of its hegemonic female counterpart, a mere pseudo-sin to a criminal acquiescence, on the part of hatred, in the evil of somatic licence of a metachemically free nature.


70. No, the Antison of Antigod is a poor devil compared to Devil the Mother, and even his bound-psychic complement Antigod the Antifather stands in a decidedly inferior church-subordinate relationship to the Daughter of the Devil, as woe to hatred, and is by no means equivalent to the Devil per se.  But antigods of whatever standing, freely somatic or unfreely psychic, are less of Vanity Fair than of what has been called the anti-Celestial City and therefore they are contrary, without being devils, to the Celestial City, just as their hegemonic counterparts are contrary, without being gods, to anti-Vanity Fair.


71. No, the devils and antigods of the North West point of our axial compass are, in truth, no gods or devils, still less gods or antidevils, but that which is contrary to everything godly and antidevilish, to everything graceful/wise and pseudo-punishing/pseudo-good in noumenal sensibility and anti-noumenal sensuality, being, with somatic precedence, evil/criminal and pseudo-foolish/pseudo-sinful, and therefore not even in line for salvation or counter-damnation but only capable of being indirectly damned and counter-saved to phenomenal sensibility and anti-phenomenal sensuality (or its post-worldly ‘pseudo’ equivalents) if those who now correspond, putting psyche before soma, to pseudo-antiphenomenal sensibililty and pseudo-phenomenal sensuality are directly saved and counter-damned to the aforesaid noumenal sensibility and anti-noumenal sensuality following a majority mandate for religious sovereignty and the gradual overhaul of traditional church-hegemonic/state-subordinate criteria by the more radical criteria of ‘Kingdom Come’, criteria which will elevate the quasi-pseudo-sinful and quasi-criminal lapsed Catholic masses to church-hegemonic positions of genuine grace and pseudo-punishment in Salvation to the Social Transcendental Centre, while simultaneously elevating their quasi-pseudo-foolish and quasi-evil counterparts – when they are not one and the same – to state-subordinate positions of genuine wisdom and pseudo-goodness in counter-Damnation to the Social Theocratic Centre.


72. Be that as it may - and I may be splitting hairs here -, nothing will dislodge the noumenally sensual and anti-noumenally sensible from their positions of brute dominance in Vanity Fair and the anti-Celestial City except the comprehensive and permanent deliverance of those now identifiable with pseudo-antiphenomenal sensibility and pseudo-phenomenal sensuality to the Celestial City and anti-Vanity Fair of noumenal sensibility and anti-noumenal sensuality, so that they cease to be identifiable with a pseudo-Slough of Despond and a pseudo-anti-Mr Worldly Wise and cease, in consequence, to be vulnerable to commercial and other exploitations at the hands of the vain and pseudo-meek enemies of God and the Antidevil.


73. Released from the clutches of the Vain and the pseudo-Meek, these quasi-vain and quasi-pseudo-meek lapsed Catholic masses, duly reformed, will become one with the Righteous and pseudo-Just, their metaphysical and antimetachemical counterparts, and thus soar to the heights of noumenal sensibility and anti-noumenal sensuality wherein is to be found the blessedness of the Celestial City and the pseudo-cursedness of anti-Vanity Fair.  But it will be in consequence of a male lead of the quasi-pseudo-meek that righteousness will come to pass for the pseudo-antiphysical in metaphysics, and in response to this that the quasi-vain will be brought, in both salvation and counter-damnation, to the pseudo-justness or justice of antimetachemistry, and thus cease to be pseudo-chemical.  The ‘new earth’, which is really the ‘pseudo-anti-earth’ for males and ‘pseudo-purgatory’ for females, will be superseded by the New Heaven and the New Antihell of deliverance from the pseudo-anti-omegaworld and the pseudo-alphaworld to otherworldly and anti-netherworldly absolutism ‘On High’, as all that was effectively ‘last’ in pseudo-antiphenomenal sensibility and pseudo-phenomenal sensuality will become ‘first’ in noumenal sensibility and anti-noumenal sensuality.


74. Such is the plan of escape for the pseudo-antiphenomenally sensible and the pseudo-phenomenally sensual of the so-called ‘new earth’ from both their own pseudo-anti-Mr-Worldly-Wise and pseudo-Slough-of-Despond limitations and, more importantly, from the almost limitless somatic liberties which rain down upon them from the netherworldly and anti-otherworldly heights of Vanity Fairy and the anti-Celestial City, where the Vain and pseudo-Meek are enthroned to the detriment of all that is holy and unclear.


75. Yes, holy and unclear!  For the converse of such male holiness in blessed metaphysics and female unclearness in pseudo-cursed antimetachemistry is, of course, the female clearness and male unholiness of an uncursed metachemistry and a counter-pseudo-unblessed antimetaphysics such that can only be identified with noumenal sensuality and anti-noumenal sensibility.  So long as the metachemically Clear and the antimetaphysically Unholy continue to reign over the world, both directly in relation to the cursed and pseudo-blessed of the South East point of our axial compass and indirectly in relation to the unblessed and counter pseudo-uncursed of its South West point, holiness and unclearness will remain ‘beyond the pale’, and the ‘Kingdom of God and the Antidevil’ will not have come to pass and saved and counter-damned the pseudo-antiphenomenally sensible unblessed and their female counterparts the pseudo-phenomenally sensual counter-pseudo-uncursed to the blessedness of Eternity and the pseudo-cursedness of Anti-Infinity, wherein the otherworldly classlessness of the Celestial City and the anti-netherworldly anti-upperclassness of anti-Vanity Fair will prevail for ever more, supreme testimony to the triumph of God and anti-primal testimony to the triumph of the Antidevil over all that would hold the masses back from salvation and counter-damnation to ‘Kingdom Come’.