The other day I was thinking about the 'Lord's Prayer', or at least the way I think about it, in relation to Adolf Hitler, since I have long been of the view that the Third Reich was a kind of crude approximation to 'Kingdom Come', and this is what I came up with:-


'Our Father, who art in heaven (National Socialism),

hallowed be thy name (Heil Hitler!).

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done (as all-powerful dictator),

in earth (the Third Reich) as it is in heaven (Mein Kampf).

Give us this day our daily bread (full employment),

and forgive us our trespasses (against Jews, Communists, smaller countries, etc.),

as we forgive those who trespass against us (French, British, Americans, etc.).

Lead us not into temptation (prostitution, homosexuality, jazz, cabaret, etc.),

but deliver us from evil (the Weimar Republic, Jews, Communists, etc.).

For thine is the kingdom (the Greater German Reich),

the power and the glory (chancellor and president combined into the office of Führer),

for ever and ever (the Thousand Year Reich).

Amen (Sieg Heil!).


Nicht schlimm, oder? In fact, you can believe there are some who would argue that 'Kingdom Come' has already come (and gone) with the Third Reich, and that Adolf Hitler, as Führer, was akin to the 'Second Coming' … of Christ, who saved his people, the Aryan Germans and Germanic Aryans, from civil strife and moral corruption, as he set about cleaving the faithful (in National Socialism) from the faithless (in Socialism, Communism, Liberalism, etc.) as a matter of eschatological necessity, simultaneously delivering them from the punitive restrictions of Versailles and its corresponding privations, of which there were a great many, including loss of territory.


Others would argue that even if there was a parallel of sorts between the Third Reich and Judgement, it was too narrowly European and thus limited to Christians or persons of Christian descent. Which is basically what any Christ-orientated 'Kingdom Come' would be anyway, thereby being of little or no relevance to Judaists, Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists, Shintoists, and others of non-Christian practice or descent in the world at large. Consequently it inevitably incurred the wrath of those nations, like the Soviet Union, the United States of America, Great Britain, and France that, for various reasons, were more international and even global in outlook, whether because they were themselves multi-racial and multi-cultural (like the Soviet Union and the United States) or because (like Britain and France) they had large overseas territories in their empires which made them more open to foreign influence and correspondingly less disposed to a narrowly European outlook deriving, in large part, from Christian and, more specifically, Catholic eschatology, with its belief in the Second Coming of Christ. Thus, in a very real sense, the international predilections of both Western Capitalism and Eastern Communism triumphed over National Socialism, and the result is a world that, ever more global in character, reflects the multi-culturalism and multi-racialism of the former Allies.


So if anything has still to come, it would have to be less of a 'kingdom', in the autocratic sense as largely embodied by Hitler's dictatorship, than what I have termed a 'centre', the Centre, if you will, of a religiously sovereign people who have rights in relation to religious sovereignty, conceived by me as the ultimate sovereignty, that not only reflected a universal bias, but implied the global overcoming of man in the interests of a male-biased superhumanism commensurate with divine and, for females, pseudo-diabolic criteria, analogous to the distinction between the proverbial saint and (neutralized) dragon or, alternatively, lamb and (neutralized) lion and/or wolf that I have customarily thought of in terms of metaphysics and pseudo-metachemistry at the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass upon what would be a stepped-up, or 'resurrected', church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis.


And there I rest my case, which, in any case, those who have studied the progress of my writings over the years and, indeed, decades will, I trust, be sufficiently familiar with not to require any additional reiteration here. Although the point needs to be made, I think, that if, in contrast to petty kingdoms or principalities, nationalism is the omega of worldly criteria and internationalism the alpha of post-worldly, or global, criteria, then the omega of global civilization could only be a kind of super- if not supra-nationalism that took us beyond the divergent and heterogeneous into the convergent and homogeneous, replacing the centrifugal with the centripetal, the various federated states of the modern age with the universal centre of the future one.


As for the alpha and omega of pre-worldly civilization, I guess one would have to settle for tribal groupings on the one hand and city states on the other, conceiving of the latter of as the antithetical equivalent of the coming post-worldly omega which, to cite John Bunyan, would probably have more to do with a 'celestial city' than with anything earthly, and thus with a kind of space centre (station) apotheosis of civilized development that some would identify, beyond de Chardin, with the true nature of the Omega Point.




There is arguably nothing as shocking as an electric shock, but don't get too shocked by this revelation, since it is also pretty shocking to suffer a power cut and find oneself in the dark, with no heating or lighting and little if anything to do, not even an acoustic guitar to strum. Without electricity modern life would grind to a halt, as one's own life tends to do when deprived of it.




The mad night, November 5th, has come around again, obliging me to resort to Ozzy Osbourne in order to block out, at least partially, their fiendish delight in burning effigies of Guy Fawkes, that unfortunate Catholic Dutchman who didn't succeed in blowing up the British parliament back in the seventeenth century, and letting off innumerable fireworks, most of which would appear to be designed to explode with a bang or even a series of bangs. I've never allowed myself, not having married and fathered kids, to get drawn into that madness, which I regard as a kind of British and, more specifically, English disease.


Of course, it didn't start on November 5th, and it certainly won't end there. But it comes to a kind of head, or climax, tonight, which, for me, is one of the blackest days of the year. I guess Guy Fawkes night is the British equivalent of Carnival, when ordinary everyday people take leave of their senses for a number of hours, if not days and weeks, and get carried away by the general orgy of combustion which rakes the night sky with a plethora of coloured explosions.


In contrast to all that, my experience of Ozzy Osbourne's The Essential Ozzy tonight, despite having been virtually driven to it by all the extraneous noise, has been totally uplifting. This is true greatness! I mean, the sheer fecundity of his music and profundity of his lyrics combine to create a monumentality that is, frankly, unsurpassed in modern music. This is way beyond the likes of Beethoven, Brahms, Vaughan Williams, Sibelius, Martinu, or whoever. Only Alice Cooper comes anywhere close to matching it, since he, as is well known, is pretty much Ozzy's only equal in hard rock/heavy metal, and one cannot but suspect a degree of genius at work in both men.

