2012 was undoubtedly the worst year of my life, a year when everything bad came to an appalling head, making me wonder, as I cast my mind back over the torturous sequence of events that culminated in a change of address over Christmas, how I managed to survive into 2013 to write this and other texts.




The audience is to the band (or group) a kind of abstraction, which would not exist but for the band. To be sure, the band needs the audience and, in a sense, would not exist as a commercially successful entity without one. But it is the band that creates the audience, not vice versa, and to the band the audience are an abstract collective, scarcely recognizable as individuals. It is the band, on the contrary, that is the concrete embodiment of individualism, both as individual members of it and as exponents of musical and/or compositional individualism, without which it would have no interest for the audience, that abstract embodiment, as it were, of collectivism, some of whose members may well aspire towards individuality or even be representative of individuality at other times and in a different or analogous context. For audience and band are not immutably fixed in a dichotomous mould but are capable, to varying extents (depending on the individuals) of interchangeability, so that what was concrete in one context can become abstract in the other, and vice versa, though not normally within the same audience/band concert.


Tangerine Dream Live at the Tempodrome Berlin (‘September 21st 2006’) is without the shadow of a doubt Tangerine Dream's best Eastgate-released DVD, featuring not only 25 concert tracks/titles and 5 encore ones, but a seven member line-up comprised of Edgar Froese, Jerome Froese, Thorsten Quaeschning, Iris Camaa, Linda Spa, Gerald Gradwohl, and Bernhard Beibl. That is at least two more musicians than one usually gets from their Eastgate DVDs, and the sound is correspondingly richer and more varied. Also, some three hours of their music is no small contributory factor to what I regard as the overall appropriate musical pre-eminence of this particular DVD recorded in Germany's historic capital.




If you are a slave to your addiction, be it to alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, sex, or whatever, you will not be a free man. Nor will you become a free man without outside intervention, without the assistance, that is, of persons capable of liberating you from your slavery and thereby setting you free.


If alcohol gives you nightmares, it would be better if you desisted from its consumption – assuming you were not slavishly addicted and incapable, in consequence, of doing so.


It is ironic that at a time when tobacco is being discouraged, at least in relation to the smoking of cigarettes, alcohol, by contrast, is more easily and variously available than ever, with literally thousands of different kinds of spirits, wines, and beers being produced in dozens of countries and exported from hundreds of sellers or merchants all over the world. It is also somewhat sad, since alcohol, in whatever guise, does little to enhance your life or better your health, being for the most part a temporary solution to a permanent problem, namely that of living in the modern/post-modern world with its soulless consumerism and societal malaise, one born of materialism and the overwhelming dominance, universally, of money.


Whether you prefer spirits, wines, or beers, have arguably upper class, middle class, or lower class tastes, you will be afflicted by the same demon in different guises, a demon that, issuing from the devil and/or bedevilment of original crime, ensures that the soul is starved of metaphysical nourishment and rendered incapable of joy, without which there can be no godly grace but only, at most, a subversion or corruption of it such that results in a sinful acquiescence, by males, in the dominance of devilish values like crime and evil.


Another thing about alcohol and the consumption thereof is that one gets carried away by it to a point where the 'golden mean' of all things in moderation that makes for relative happiness is drowned in an orgy of excess, whereby every vice or cultural indulgence (the two are not necessarily identical) is taken to extremes and the variety that is the proverbial 'spice of life' in sobriety is replaced by a self-indulgent fixation upon one thing, like music or drama, to the exclusion of others. Good in one sense, that of the immediate present, but in terms of the development or cultivation, through variety, of a 'rounded psychology', profoundly self-defeating, since the fixation is bound to repeat itself to a degree whereby it becomes predictably boring, like a record or song doomed to replay itself ad infinitum and ad nauseam, because there are only a limited number of things that would be considered appropriate to or 'worthy of' the particular alcoholic bias.


The 'red devil wine' he consumed, from time to time, did not wash his sins away but was itself a sin against the holy ghost that warred upon his self, making him feel polluted and spiritually unclean. This is the 'inner dirt' that renders the 'inner cleanliness' of grace impossible of attainment; for the committing of sin is folly, just as the avoidance of sin in the interests of divine grace is wisdom. By the wisdom of grace are you saved from the folly of sin.

