Few physical books are written for their own sake, but mostly as a means to a financial end, whether this end is disguised under the euphemism of 'earning a living' or nakedly revealed as a manifestation of commercial greed. Only metaphysical books, like eBooks, can be written as ends-in-themselves, standing, when true, as a beacon of light in a world subjected, by physical books, to the blight of greed and the sanctimonious concretion of female domination.




It is not God that having 'made the world' rules over it, but the Devil, and not least in the guise of Devil the Mother/Virgin hyped as God the Father, or Beauty hyped as Truth. Such a 'God', being divergently objective, is much closer to the female side of life than to its male side, the side forever labouring under the yoke of female predation and exploitation. And for the fools who succumb to their seductions, Beauty is Truth.


Because the world is forever in the grip of crime and evil, not least in the guise of criminal and evil persons, it can never be taken for granted by the enlightened, by persons acquainted with grace and wisdom, but can only be regarded as a problem, one deserving of solution … in the form, ultimately, of 'Kingdom Come', with the deliverance of the 'put upon' from the rule of crime and evil to an otherworldly context characterized by the rule, theocratically as opposed to autocratically, of grace and wisdom. Such a rule would require nothing less than the 'remaking' of man, or a certain type of man (long identified by me with pseudo-physics) in the 'divine image', that is, in the image, if you will, of grace (truth/joy) and wisdom (illusion/woe), the image, if you prefer, of 'God in Heaven'.


But any divine 'remaking' of man necessarily presupposes the pseudo-diabolic corollary of the 'remaking' of woman (pseudo-man's chemical governess, so to speak) in the image, metaphorically speaking, of pseudo-punishment (pseudo-beauty/pseudo-love) and pseudo-goodness (pseudo-ugliness/pseudo-hatred), without which there can be no 'eternal peace' for the Saved (metaphysical males). For the metaphysical peace of the one gender can only be achieved on the basis of the pseudo-metachemical subjugation of the other, neutralized dragon-like to the saintly hegemony that would reign 'on high', a plane up (in metaphysics) from those fated to a subordinate position (in pseudo-metachemistry) in the mainstream structure – the 'Centre proper' as opposed to its 'administrative aside' – of what I loosely conceive to be the nature of 'Kingdom Come'.


Thanks to the existence of grace and wisdom, traditionally the theocratic preserve of Catholic priests, the sinful and foolish pseudo-males have not been expected to take their sins and follies for granted but, rather, to confess them to a priest and thereby acquire, through verbal absolution, a modicum of grace and wisdom with which to arm themselves, as it were, against the virtual inevitability of subsequent sins and follies all too characteristic of 'the world' and, more particularly, of their subordinate status in it (under chemical females).


Yet this only really applies to pseudo-physical pseudo-males, not to those chemical females who are obliged, in achieving maternity, to take 'the world' as they know it for granted, since it is the goal of their striving, metachemically, after motherhood and the attainment, thereby, of a surrogate plenum, in the guise of offspring, with which to acquire release, if only temporarily and, as it were, intermittently, from the burden of virginal vacuity.


So while some persons take 'the world' for granted, others do not, and this applies as much, albeit on reverse gender-structured terms, to the physical/pseudo-chemical mass Protestant dichotomy across the worldly – and axial – divide as to that noted above between, in mass Catholic vein, the chemical/pseudo-physical.


Yet in the physical/pseudo-chemical case it would be the pseudo-chemical pseudo-females, I believe, who would not take 'the world' as they know it for granted, since they live under a physical male hegemonic heel, so to speak, and could only profit from an axial deliverance, through what could be termed Undamnation, from pseudo-chemistry to metachemistry, as from gender subordination under physics to a gender hegemony over pseudo-metaphysics, just as (to revert to the aforementioned Catholic axis) it is the pseudo-physical pseudo-males who would profit, through Salvation, from axial deliverance to metaphysics, as from gender subordination to chemical females to a gender hegemony over pseudo-metachemical pseudo-females, the counter-damned corollary of the metaphysical salvation of the pseudo-physical.


However, when you are already damned, as are the pseudo-chemical (as from the axial polarity of metachemical freedom), then the most you can expect is to be delivered from subordination to the physical, who are pseudo-saved (as from pseudo-metaphysical pseudo-binding) to an undamned hegemony, as alluded to above, over the pseudo-unsaved pseudo-metaphysical, since it is only the physical who can take the world as they know it for granted, having achieved, through pseudo-salvation, relative independence of pseudo-metaphysics and its pseudo-unsaved subordination to metachemistry. Enough for now, since the overall complexities of this logic are such that one would not expect to have too many readers with the intellectual or gender capacity to understand, much less endorse it!

