Have just finished reading, in fairly quick succession, Backroads Guide to Germany, which is fine if you happen to own a car or can drive, and Walking Dublin, for which all that is required is a steady pair of legs and, notwithstanding the likelihood of one's getting wet, the ability to follow complex road and pavement directions in order to track down significant or interesting destinations.


Travelling around out-of-the-way places in Germany is, frankly, beyond me, since I don't possess a car and, even if I could afford to rent one, have never driven anywhere under any circumstances. But walking around Dublin is something that I did, on several occasions, in the past, so I have some experience of what it takes, though not necessarily in relation to some of the places outlined in the aforementioned book which, in any case, is a comparatively recent publication. I can still remember, however, the thrill I got on first sighting, almost by accident, the Spire as I approached it from Henry Street, only noticing it when a few yards from where it stands in the middle of O'Connell Street. Such a thrill, or buzz of excitement, can only happen once.


These days, traipsing around Dublin would have less appeal, since I prefer to take public transport whenever possible – at least in London. But Dublin remains an impressive city, with an atmosphere and air peculiar to itself. Only Berlin holds as much interest for me … perhaps even more, since it is a good deal bigger and, well, more agreeably spaced out, with excellent transport links to boot.




Rarely do I have a thought that goes uncensored, as it were, from some bimbo of a neighbour, be it juvenile or adult, whose extraordinary sensitivity to thought, or at any rate to my predilection for thinking, results in a fit of stamping or banging or whatever. It almost makes one afraid to think, though I shall not be put off that easily, given my understanding of life as a gender war in which will and spirit, germane to what is properly female, objectively war on ego and soul, germane, by contrast, to all that is properly, and therefore subjectively, male. You simply cannot give in or surrender. You have to keep on fighting … in my case the 'good fight' for the eventual triumph of soul in what is loosely termed 'Kingdom Come'.


To that end I have dedicated the greater part of my life's work, which has included the ideological invention, as it were, of Social Theocracy as the precondition of Social Transcendentalism and everything that it morally stands for, not least the eventual democratic superseding, in countries with the right kind of (church-hegemonic) axial preconditions, of political sovereignty in the mass by religious sovereignty and the exchange of rights accruing to the former for rights accruing to the latter in what will necessarily have to be a male-dominated society in which 'the world' of or, rather, as an expression of female domination has been 'overcome', to use a Nietzschean term, and man or, more correctly, what is properly male has been set free of, in particular, wilful subversion, culminating in a social structure analogous to that of the proverbial Saint and (neutralized) Dragon, that is, metaphysical male and pseudo-metachemical pseudo-female distinctions in which whatever is predatory 'lies down', through neutralization, with whatever has traditionally, in its soul-oriented subjectivity, been the victim of female predation, or predation motivated by reproductive need, and this despite appearances or presumptions on the part of many males (especially pseudo-males) to the contrary!


In the meantime the fight goes on, at least with me, who knows full well that peace will not come until victory has been won and one's soul-mind is free to be true to itself, as 'God in Heaven', without fear or proof, based in evidence and experience, of external subversion and censure.




Now that women are rampant, liberated from gender subordination and glorying in their somatic freedoms, it is difficult to find anyone with a genuine sense of what it means to be religious and therefore engaged in 'fighting the good fight', as the saying goes. Easier to find accomplices to if not champions of female liberation and effective gender domination. Pseudo-males, who 'suck up' to women, having 'made their peace', such as it is, with 'the world' and consequently turned their backs on, if not overtly repudiated, any otherworldly aspiration, deeming it fanciful or unrealistic or somehow 'contrary to nature' and at loggerheads with what lies behind Nature in the Cosmos....Which, however, is what true religion should be, if less, for me, from a Christian standpoint than, hopefully in the future, from a kind of Superchristian one that I, of course, would identify with Social Theocracy, conceiving of it as the logical successor, as it were, to what I have customarily identified as properly Christian, namely Roman Catholicism, with its axial purchase (southwest to northeast points of the intercardinal axial compass) on metaphysics, albeit a necessarily and, in a sense, regrettably truncated metaphysics in consequence of the Creator-esque prevalence, in back (effectively corresponding to the northwest point of the intercardinal axial compass), of metachemistry and all that has anchored, in Judaic vein, the Christian extrapolation, in New Testament fashion, of what is broadly termed the Judeo-Christian tradition, even though, except in the case of Protestants, the principal components of that tradition, namely Judaism and Roman Catholicism, are at axial loggerheads and in no wise compatible.


In fact, they are mutually irreconcilable, like the alpha and omega of the Middle East and what, in the case of Western Europe, could be called the Middle West respectively, the former autocratically rooted in Creator-ism (Jehovah), the latter straining on a theocratic leash, as it were, towards the Crucifixional paradigm of bound metaphysical soma in respect of Christ, the one necessarily precluding, by its very existence, any possibility of free metaphysical psyche on the part of the other, since metaphysical free psyche, the preponderating ratio aspect (3:1) of metaphysics, is only possible in the event of metaphysical freedom from metachemistry and a repudiation, in consequence, of everything associated with Creator-ism, that is, with God as Creator or First Mover or so-called Father in back of Nature and the world in general. Such a repudiation might be considered atheist by some, but to me it is the precondition of a truly divine orientation in relation to both the bound soma and, more importantly, the free psyche of metaphysics as the prerogative of saved males.

