Worse than poor artists, who at least have a chance of improving over the course of time, are those ideological subversives and philistine enemies of art who use it to glorify the worker and further a political cause. For they make the continuation or, more likely, resumption of genuine art, by which I principally mean art motivated by creative individualism rather than simply rooted in reality, all the more difficult in consequence of the degree to which it was subverted and effectively tarnished by whatever utilitarian or propagandistic twist the Social Realists and other philistines of a like pragmatic nature chose, or were obliged, to inflict upon it, effectively replacing art by a form of craft and hyping, in time-honoured vein, the latter as the former.


You are not a genuine artist, a real creative individual, until you feel that you are akin to a 'voice crying in the wilderness' of social conformity and urban banality on behalf of an original if not truly unique perspective on life that has the capacity to enlighten and thereby set men free of earthly bondage.


Every true artist is alone with his vision, his perception not so much of how things are as of how, in an ideal world, the world of art, they could be and maybe one day will be, thus doing away with the justification of art as an antidote to a reality dominated, in worldly vein, by barbarous and philistine opponents of culture and civility – in short, by opposition to what makes or may well, in the artist's estimation, make for the possibility of 'Kingdom Come', conceived as the ideal society in which the general welfare and particular well-being of the individual comes first.


Art can point the way towards the 'kingdom within', the eternal life of soulful truth, but the actual realization of it by the individual, necessarily male in view of its metaphysical subjectivity, is an art in itself, requiring means that enable one to transcend 'the world' and achieve that perfect Being which, in its metaphysical supremacy, is the proper end of life for any enlightened male, any male enlightened enough, that is, to be independent of the collective female concern, through metachemical objectivity, with reproduction.




The liberal is one who refuses to discriminate, not least in relation to religion, on the basis of gender, and consequently he is one who corrupts religion by reducing it to his effectively androgynous incapacity for metaphysical truth. By accepting 'the world' for the gender compromise it is, he acquiesces in the autocratic if not authoritarian rule of what rules over it from a metachemical standpoint, the standpoint, namely, of materialism/fundamentalism, and has therefore 'sold his soul' to the Devil, as to Devil the Mother/Virgin hyped as God in what some would call a kind of Faustian Pact. He is not of the Devil, no, but his liberal want of godliness in Heaven betrays a 'human-all-too-human' or, more correctly, humanist-all-too-humanist disposition which accepts worldly relativity and its refusal or inability, epitomized by the phenomenon of mixed congregations, to discriminate between the genders. For such discrimination, morally and socially, is indispensable to true religion, without which you cannot, as a male, even begin to understand the nature of salvation and of what it entails, not least with regard to its corollary, for females, of counter-damnation to a subordinate position, in pseudo-metachemistry under metaphysics, 'on high'.


The liberal, like the autocrat who rules over him, is really an enemy of religion and everything it stands for. His religion is, in truth, no religion at all, but a 'bovaryized' cop-out from the 'good fight' that, in contrast, accommodates 'the world' which he, more even than the autocrat, strenuously upholds, whether as an end-in-itself or a means to some degree of aristocratic if not autocratic promotion. And this contrary to his Catholic counterparts back across the lower-order axial divide who, whilst being very much in the world are not, through faith, of it to anything like a liberal extent, given their shame, at least in the case of males or more correctly pseudo-males, of sin and aspiration, through confession, to a 'higher world' closer, in essence, to godliness as an impression of Heaven, a world where not sin but grace is truly prevalent.

