As we get older the hope of youth is replaced by the fear of old age, even of death; at first slowly and gradually, but with increasing momentum as we age, until, in the declining years, our lives are more characterized by fear than hope. Hope may rule the lives of the young, but fear is the key to old age.




If the working class got its way, there would be no great or exceptional men, no artists, philosophers, saints, but only a general levelling down of society to the lowest-common-socialistic-denominator of an almost supine acquiescence in female domination, as we have seen in the past.




The adulation of the masses falls like rain upon those under the critical glare of the spotlight, but their disapproval could feel more like sleet or even snow, freezing the blood of those who like to think of themselves as spokesmen of the soul.




I am always suspicious of those who, from ecological or other motives, wish to protect and preserve wild beasts, the sort of beasts that, if given sufficient opportunity, would tear even them apart.


My personal instinct about wild beasts, like tigers, lions, bears, wolves, leopards, pumas, and the like, not to mention their counterparts in the sea and air like sharks and eagles, is that the fewer of them in existence, the better.


'Did he who made the lamb make thee?' Blake rhetorically asks of or, rather, concerning the tiger, presumably as a species. All one can say is that 'he' is almost certainly the wrong gender and that, in any case, Nature doesn't proceed on the basis of divinity but from a plethora of competing standpoints, including the diabolic, whose roots go back to the Cosmos, that fountain of divinity, devility, femininity, masculinity, and their respective subordinate, or 'pseudo', gender corollaries.




Most people fear and at the same time crave scandal or, more correctly, the process of being scandalized, especially when what causes it issues from some elite, like artists and thinkers who may be completely unaware of the fact that what they say or do could possibly have that kind of effect.




Wordsworth claims, in one of his best-known poems, to have 'wandered lonely as a cloud', though I've never myself heard of a cloud that was actually lonely. Maybe alone, as a single mass of vapour, but lonely? A clear case of poetic licence, which is of course a euphemism for nonsense, or something to that effect.


The worst feeling of loneliness, I have always found, comes not from being alone, since that can be positively delightful, not to say an immense relief from being in company, but rather from being surrounded by alien types who, because of their origins, care little or nothing for one's cultural predilections and tend, as often as not, to take a disparaging view of them. In consequence of which one is conscious of living in cultural isolation, without the benefit of so-called 'kindred spirits' or 'fellow travellers' on one's particular path, but with an overwhelming feeling of cultural, intellectual, ethnic, even class loneliness in relation to the type of persons with whom one shares a house or neighbourhood or street or whatever.




The greater the accomplishment, be it in music, art, literature, sport, or anything else, the less inclined one will be to regard oneself as a sinner and to be sinfully self-conscious of one's mortal shortcomings. Even priests would have a moral difficulty in regarding themselves in such a manner, since it is their duty, at least in the Roman Catholic Church, to forgive sin from a standpoint closer to if not effectively identifiable with grace. In fact, relatively few people actually take such a dim view of themselves these days, preferring the benefits, when not Catholic, of a lifestyle, even an ethnically-conditioned lifestyle, that more accords with concepts like pseudo-grace or punishment, crime or pseudo-sin, not to mention, as the gender corollary (for females) of sin, a tendency towards pseudo-evil within an elemental context (chemical) that is actually more biased, in overall ratio terms (2½ free soma:1½ bound psyche), towards pseudo-crime, the free somatic corollary of the folly of those pseudo-males given (in pseudo-physics) to pseudo-free somatic licence under female (chemical) hegemonic pressure, of which carnal knowledge, as the mode of pseudo-knowledge par excellence, and the pseudo-pleasure, as it were, deriving from it are foolishly (though not sinfully) typical, and typical, moreover, in primary state-subordinate terms.


For sin, curiously enough, only derives from and accrues to the guilt of a preponderating (2½:1½ in pseudo-physics) pseudo-bound psyche, the primary church-hegemonic corollary, for pseudo-males, of the pseudo-evil bound psyche properly attaching, as secondary church-hegemonic corollary of the secondary state-subordinate pseudo-criminal free soma, to the hegemonic female (in chemistry), the more so as she has achieved a modicum of maternal resolution (in Marian vein).


Of course, for the lapsed Catholic/republican socialist, no sense of sin or folly, much less pseudo-evil or pseudo-crime, has to be acknowledged, and they tend, in consequence, to relapse into some degree of secular if not heathen indifference to Catholic mores under the governing aegis, so to speak, of Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People, that painterly metaphor, it seems to me, for the inevitability, under female domination, of secular maternity and therefore for a leadership less, in relation to the church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis, towards a kind of fudged 'salvation', the product in large part of a truncated metaphysics 'done down' pseudo-metachemically, than back towards the apex of the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis in what must always be a metachemical licence to strut her criminal stuff in the freest of somatic freedoms (3 free soma:1 bound psyche), one whose fulcrum lies not in free spirit, as with chemistry, but in free will.


The cultural struggle against philistinism can only be carried out on a church-hegemonic basis, requiring the gender subordinate (female) corollary of a pseudo-civil struggle against pseudo-barbarity in like polar terms. And it is a struggle that can be won, unlike that of pseudo-culture vis-à-vis pseudo-philistinism on the state-hegemonic axis, which in overall axial terms is ever gender subordinate (male) to the disadvantaged and effectively losing struggle of civility against barbarity, the latter of which rules the state-hegemonic axis at the expense of pseudo-philistinism no less than culture leads the church-hegemonic one at the expense of pseudo-civility.


Culture is no less righteous than philistinism meek on primary (male) church-hegemonic terms, whereas pseudo-civility is no less pseudo-just than pseudo-barbarity pseudo-vain on secondary (female) church-hegemonic terms. By axial contrast, pseudo-culture is no less pseudo-righteous than pseudo-philistinism pseudo-meek on secondary (male) state-hegemonic terms, whereas civility is no less just than barbarity vain on primary (female) state-hegemonic terms.




That a man can become a true or genuine individual in this world in the face of (and therefore contrary to) the collectivism of the female-dominated herd – that, I believe, is not only usually commensurate with genius but is also nothing short of miraculous!




I dislike the word 'cosmopolitan' almost as much as the word 'cosmos', as significant of all that, in its alpha-stemming objectivity, is most removed from the omega-oriented subjectivity of true universality, epitome of what is most homogeneous within a context dominated by metaphysics.




The equalitarianism of the average 'man of the people' is somewhat akin to the attitude: If I can't do and/or be that, then neither should you. An attitude that has nothing to do with raising the lower up higher but, on the contrary, more to do with pulling the higher down lower. And by that I do not just mean autocrats.




Regarding hammering workmen as being akin to woodpeckers is the latest and possibly foremost of my metaphorical euphemisms and/or categorical analogies.




It is imperative for anyone who practises philosophical logic to have his categories in order and as though fixed in a constant and easily recognizable mode, no matter how complicated or original and unusual the terminology, else ambivalence and uncertainty will ensue.


It is not enough to have the right number of categories for a given philosophy; the subject matter must be within the appropriate categories … before everything will add up and truth can accordingly be distinguished from what is less than or even contrary to it. For the purpose of a comprehensively-exacting logical structure is not the comprehensiveness itself, but the ability it gives one to distinguish, logically and morally, between the categories, so that what is properly philosophical, because metaphysically ontological, can be granted prominence over everything else, to the detriment and possible exclusion of the kind of subversive hype more usually associated with conventional religion and false philosophies, of which the 'scientific' philosophy of dialectical materialism is a case in point.




Christmas is that dreadful time of year when, under cover of religious disguise, family values are celebrated as never before, with an emphasis upon the mother and child. How it contrasts with Easter! Nothing short, in other words, of a polarity between chemistry/pseudo-physics (Christmas) and metaphysics/pseudo-metachemistry (Easter).


Morally weak people accept female domination as a matter of course, regarding those who don't as sexually corrupt or perverse or simply socially unrealistic.


I have always despised people who are morally weak, for they seem to me to be no more than a two-legged species of animal that, like the four-legged varieties, are simply creatures of nature who more or less take the natural status quo for granted.




In a world where most people, especially when female, tend to regard anyone who can think for himself as a 'lune' (colloquial for 'lunatic'), you can gauge what an uphill struggle it is to go against the grain of the masses and achieve that independence of mind which is characteristic of genius and, more especially, of the possibility of divine truth which, not surprisingly, has hitherto, in whatever form it has taken, been the exception to the rule, even to the rule of illusion hyped as truth.


Some would contend that you can never change the world or, more accurately, overcome it in favour of otherworldly criteria akin to Heaven or, in traditional parlance, 'Kingdom Come'. How can you turn against or turn your back on women and kids? they will rhetorically ask, as though the mere thought of it was outrageous and blatantly unrealistic. For is not life a product of female domination? Do women not generally get their way and produce offspring? And are not families generally confirmation of that fact? Quite apart from the obvious fact that women and children are generally so lovely and even adorable.


Well, that being the case, the world will drag on and never change or, rather, be changed, since if the fundamentals remain unchanged, given their variously seductive natures, then there is no way that 'man will be overcome', to use a Nietzschean expression, and gradually be replaced by a cyborgistic mean closer to godliness or, depending on gender, to pseudo-devilishness, the absolutely pseudo-bound somatic corollary of an absolutely free psychic disposition.


What a depressing thought! Only more of the same, generation after generation, in a world destined to repeat itself, with comparatively superficial modifications, for ever and anon. I do not accept that, and I believe there are other criteria at work in the determination of evolution than those which operate within a gender constant framework fatalistically deferential to the power and glory of females.

