1. The Supreme Being should not be thought of
as a creature but as a state of mind, a supreme level of beingfulness.
2. The equation of being with a creature is
pagan. The equation of being with a
state of mind, by contrast, is transcendental.
3. Evolution proceeds from the materialistic
concept of being to the spiritualistic concept of being as a matter of course.
4. An ultimate communism, or communality, can
only come about with the post-Human Millennium, which will succeed the
transcendental civilization.
5. This ultimate communality will entail the
artificial support and sustain of vast clusters of new brains, and will stand
as the polar antithesis to the primal communality of plant life, with
particular reference to trees.
6. Sensual communality appertains to the lowest
life form on earth, and is manifested in trees and bushes, whose
subconsciously-dominated leaves are supported and sustained naturally, that is
to say, through trunk, branches, sunlight, rainwater, etc.
7. Spiritual communality will appertain to the
highest life form on earth, which will be manifested in the millennial communes
of the Superbeings, whose superconsciously-biased new brains will be supported
and sustained artificially, that is to say, through technology.
8. Beneath sensual communality are the Alpha
Absolute(s) ... of the stars, with their diabolic sensuality. Above spiritual communality will come the
Omega Absolute ... of the Holy Spirit, with its divine spirituality.
9. Just as the sensual communality of the
plants evolved out of the Alpha Absolute(s), so the Omega Absolute will evolve
out of the spiritual communality of the clustered new brains.
10. The term 'new brains' appertains to the
collective. But, individually, the new
brain is the intellectual/spiritual, as opposed to instinctual/ sensual, part
of the brain.
11. The eventual removal of the old brain, or
instinctual/sensual part of the brain, will put the resultant life form in a
directly antithetical position to the leaves of trees, which are subconscious
and, hence, devoid of autonomy - rooted to their branches.
12. In becoming superconscious, the Superbeing
will also be devoid of autonomy, its new brains rooted to their artificial
branches because devoid of egocentric consciousness, and therefore indisposed
to the comprehension of external surroundings.
13. Whereas the leaves of a tree exist for the
sake of the trunk and branches, the artificial supports of the millennial
communes will exist for the sake of the new brains.
14. The millennial communes of the Superbeing
will signify a distinctly different and higher life form than man, whom one is
obliged to associate with the natural body.
15. Indeed, there will be as much difference
between transcendental man and the Superbeing as there was between, say, pagan
man and the tree.
16. The fact that man is not static but an
evolutionary phenomenon ... is borne out by the successive transformations from
pagan and Christian to transcendental - the latter only incipient in the West in
the twentieth century.
17. An alternative terminology for the successive
transformations listed above would be: pre-dualistic, dualistic, and
post-dualistic, with individual variants on the respective religious
18. Beneath pagan, or pre-dualistic, man is man's
direct ancestor, the ape, who appertains to the animal kingdom and is largely
dependent on trees. Above
transcendental, or post-dualistic, man will come man's immediate successor, the
Superman, who will pertain to the godlike kingdom and be largely dependent on
artificial supports and sustains.
19. But what will distinguish the Superman from
the succeeding Superbeing ... will be retention of the old brain, and the
consequent existence of visionary, or egocentric, consciousness.
20. This consciousness, albeit greater than the
natural consciousness of transcendental man, will be less evolved than that of
the new-brain components of the millennial communes, and will consequently
signify a stage of evolution directly preceding the latter.
21. The Supermen will be fed intermittent
quantities of LSD, or some such synthetic hallucinogen, in order to facilitate
upward self-transcendence in the lower, i.e. visionary, reaches of the
superconscious, and thereby will be encouraged, by degrees, to break with
traditional subconscious and conscious modes of awareness.
22. Although clustered together on artificial
supports, the retention of the old brain by the Supermen justifies one in
regarding them as individuals, since each brain will be subject to periods of
personal consciousness, and therefore be capable of regarding itself as a
distinct entity. Indeed, as one of a
number of such entities which bear the generic title 'Supermen'.
23. Likewise apes are capable, with their animal
consciousness, of distinguishing between themselves as individuals, while
simultaneously sharing a common habitat in the branches of a tree.
24. With the eventual removal of the old brain,
however, the Supermen will be transmuted into a collective entity, by dint of sharing
an identical post-visionary consciousness, and thereupon become, in the context
of millennial communes, a completely new life-form, antithetical, in essence,
to the tree, which, however, is likewise regarded by mankind as a collective
entity, rather than as a loose conglomeration of separate creatures, i.e.
25. The Superbeing of the millennial communes
will therefore stand one stage closer, in evolutionary terms, to the ultimate
unity of the Supreme Being, in which transcendent spirit will constitute an
indivisible whole.
26. How many millennial communes there will be on
earth, preceding spiritual transcendence, will depend on the technological
facilities available to the age and the number of new brains to be supported.
27. It isn't impossible that, with the eventual
removal of the old brain from individual Supermen, the ensuing increase in
space available on the supports will allow for the introduction of additional
new brains on each support, thereby making possible a decrease in the overall
number of supports in existence.
28. Such a hypothetical decrease in the overall
number of supports world-wide would correspond to an evolutionary progression
away from the materialistic Many and towards the spiritualistic One, thereby
signifying a reduction of the materialist component to an absolute minimum.
29. It should be feasible to contend that each
support, no matter how many new brains it may contain, will be connected to a
single sustain system, so that the individual organic or, rather, super-organic
components of the commune are nourished from a central source, not dependent on
separate sources.
30. Thus, our collectivized or communal entity
would be completely interrelated, and could only function as an integral whole.
31. To a certain extent, men protect apes and
apes protect trees. Likewise, one can
assume that transcendental men will protect Supermen and the Supermen duly
protect Superbeings.
32. Put another way, this means that the creation
and protection of the Supermen will be in the hands of certain trusted men,
specialists in their chosen field, who will tend their superior creations and
know how they feel, what they require, etc., at any given time.
33. But the Supermen will themselves create or,
at any rate, protect the Superbeings by the very fact of their existence ... to
the extent that they will be the logical evolutionary forerunners of the
latter, rendering the ensuing maintenance of the artificial supports and
sustains obligatory for the trusted men.
34. And, presumably, if everything hasn't become
completely autonomous and directed by computers and robots by then, these
trusted men - a technological elite - will be entrusted, at the appropriate
hour, with the surgical removal of the old brain from the clustered Supermen
and consequent creation of the collective entity I have termed a Superbeing.
35. But they, or their mechanical equivalents,
will never act arbitrarily or over-hastily, but will always bear in mind the
evolutionary status of the life forms under their protection, thereby
regulating their professional activity in strict accordance with the
requirements of the hour.
36. This patient, considerate attention to their
'charges', by the technological leadership, is not, however, incompatible with
an element of coercion, which is an essential element not only to responsible
leadership, but also to evolutionary progress.
37. Thus a delicate balance must be struck
between the requirements of the post-dualistic life forms and the ambitions of
the leadership, too weak a leadership resulting in the danger of an
evolutionary stasis or even regression; too strong a leadership resulting in
the possible destruction of the said life forms and, as a paradoxical corollary
to this, the undermining of the leaders, who would then be deprived of anything
to lead.
38. Just as an able gardener both protects the
plants under his keeping and encourages them to grow, so must the successive
leaderships of the transcendental men, the supermen, and the superbeings strike
a workable balance between the two responsibilities, in order to ensure the
steady spiritual growth of their human and post-human 'plants'.
39. That the state, as signified by the
leadership, will eventually 'wither away', in Engles' oft-quoted phrase, can be
confirmed by the foregoing speculations concerning future developments, and
will doubtless result in the supervision of the evolutionary life forms by
trusted humans eventually being eclipsed by an entirely autonomous, mechanistic
supervision carried out by robots and computers.
40. When current political and other leaders
retire, they do so in the knowledge that their work is in safe hands and will
be continued by their successors.
Doubtless this will still apply in the foreseeable future, even if or
when their successors are known to be robots and computers.
41. Political evolution presupposes an extension
of democratic power to greater numbers of people, so that, at its highest
level, the maximum numbers of people are being represented by the government.
42. A dualistic system of democracy, torn between
capitalism and socialism, inevitably limits the number of people being
represented, by the acting government, to those whose votes proved successful,
which may be no more than a narrow majority.
43. In accordance with political progress, a
post-dualistic democratic system, centred in socialism, extends the number of
people being represented by the government to the vast majority of voters,
since every vote balloted proves successful to the extent that it elects or
re-elects a socialist candidate.
44. This post-dualistic system is called Social
Democracy, as opposed to Liberal (Capital) Democracy, and is largely a
consequence of the transference of political power to the proletariat, who are
no longer obliged to share power with the bourgeoisie, and thus suffer the
consequences of capitalist exploitation.
45. The transference of political power to the
proletariat is the ultimate political revolution, in which the vast majority
acquire representation and thereby experience maximum democracy.
46. An erroneous concept of 'more democracy' is
to confound maximum representation with the absence of all representation,
and thereupon assume that it should signify freedom from all government.
47. This erroneous concept of 'more democracy'
can only lead to anarchy, which is contrary to political progress. Consequently it will be opposed by
post-dualistic leaderships.
48. It isn't freedom to do what they like that
will lead the People to their future salvation in a post-Human Millennium, but
... directive leadership.
49. This post-dualistic directive is socialism,
as opposed to anarchy.
50. And socialism, conceived politically, cannot
'wither away' until men attain to the post-Human Millennium, and thus become
recipients of spiritual salvation in the millennial communes.
51. The State is a materialistic phenomenon that
will continue to exist so long as men are capable of identifying with matter,
which is to say, so long as they retain the old brain and are therefore partly
disposed to subconscious allegiance.
52. Thus the State will still exist, albeit to a
less apparent extent, when men are elevated to the Supermen, or clustered
brains artificially supported, in the first, or 'socialist', phase of the
post-Human Millennium.
53. But the State, having 'withered away'
throughout that time, will completely cease to exist with the second, or
'communist', phase of the post-Human Millennium, in which the radically
superconsciously-biased new-brain clusters of Superbeings will have supplanted
the partly superconsciously-biased brains of Supermen.
54. For with the removal of the old brain, the
ensuing higher post-human life form would be incapable of identifying with
matter and, therefore, be oblivious of the State.
55. Likewise trees, which signify the sensual
communality antithetical, in retrospect, to the spiritual communality of our
projected Superbeings, are incapable, lacking consciousness, of recognizing the
56. So, on the next evolutionary level, are apes,
whose rudimentary consciousness, subconsciously-dominated, keeps them beneath
57. For civilization, at any level, appertains to
man, and signifies a compromise between politics and religion, the State and
the Church.
58. Such a compromise will still exist for
post-dualistic man, taking the form of socialism and transcendentalism.
59. With the transformation of transcendental man
into the Superman, however, the State will 'wither away', as transcendentalism
continues to expand, and by the time the evolutionary metamorphosis of the
Superbeing comes properly to pass, the State will have completely ceased to
exist, and with it civilization, as life becomes exclusively transcendental.
60. And as life becomes exclusively
transcendental, so there will be no further need of directive leadership, but
only of supervision - surveillance by the relevant computers and/or robots, as
61. For the State is not only a subjective
phenomenon, dependent on the ability of consciousness to perceive and identify
with matter, but is also, and more particularly, an objective phenomenon,
embracing the directive capabilities of government.
62. When direction is no longer necessary,
because the materialistic component of the psyche has been removed, government
ceases to exist and the State along with it.
63. And thus civilization comes to an end with
the full-blown spirituality of the Superbeings.
64. At some subsequent point in millennial time
the Superbeings will attain to transcendence, and so bring about the Spiritual
Globes of the heavenly Beyond.
65. Broadly speaking, the development of
evolution runs as follows: the Alpha Absolute(s) of the stars leading via
planets (cooled stars) to the sensual communality of the plants; the plants,
including trees, leading to the animals, of whichever type and degree of
intelligence; the animals, including apes, leading to man, of the lowest, and
therefore pagan, type; pagan man, in his successive manifestations, leading to Christian
man; Christian man, and other dualistic equivalents, leading to transcendental
man; transcendental man, in his subsequent manifestations, leading to the
Superman; the Superman, with his artificially-supported and sustained brain,
leading to the spiritual communality of the Superbeings which, in their
exclusive spirituality, will be antithetical to the plants; and, finally, the
Superbeings leading via successive Spiritual Globes of transcendent spirit to
the Omega Point (as defined by Teilhard de Chardin ... as the spiritual
culmination of evolution) - Universal and One.
66. This evolutionary progression signifies a
convergence from the Many (stars) to the One (Holy Spirit), with all due
gradations of improvement in the quality and type of life coming in-between.
67. Whatever the Alpha Absolute(s) are, viz.
many, separate, sensual, infernal, etc., the Omega Absolute is their complete
antithesis. There is nothing further
apart, in evolutionary terms, than the Devil and God, alpha and omega.
68. Likewise a less extreme but, nevertheless,
consistent contrast is to be adduced between the various antitheses which
gradually develop along the evolutionary spectrum created on earth.
69. On the dividing line between that which stems
from the Diabolic Alpha, and that which aspires towards the Divine Omega, is
early transcendental man.
70. Of course, Christian man also aspires towards
the Divine Omega, but not to the extent of completely turning his back on the
Diabolic Alpha. As a dualist, he always
remains rooted in nature.
71. What the television is to transcendental man,
LSD, or some such hallucinogenic equivalent, will be to the Superman.
72. Transcendental man allows his consciousness
to be invaded from outside himself ... by artificial visionary images, which
affect a mild upward self-transcendence in the lower regions of the
73. The Superman will allow his consciousness to
be invaded from inside his brain ... by the visionary images of hallucinogens,
which will constitute a stronger upward self-transcendence in higher regions of
the superconscious.
74. Appearance always precedes essence, but can
never expand spiritual consciousness to the same extent, the reason being that
appearance appertains to the flesh, whereas essence appertains to the spirit.
75. Thus, no matter how ingenious or educative
the appearance may happen to be, its ability to expand consciousness upwards is
severely hampered by its contrary nature to that which it is intended to
76. Only essence can radically expand essence
(spirit), which is why the use of an internal stimulant, like LSD, would be far
more efficacious than the contradictory and inevitably futile use of an
external one, like TV.
77. LSD will be the 'art' of
the future, transcending art as we have known it.
78. If LSD was prohibited in the twentieth
century, it was because such a mind-expanding hallucinogen would be premature
and a danger to society as it is currently constituted.
79. Only with the first phase of the post-Human
Millennium would an official, widespread use of LSD and/or equivalent synthetic
hallucinogens be possible; for the Superman would be indisposed to riotous or
otherwise irresponsible behaviour.
80. It should always be remembered that whereas
natural drugs, i.e. those grown from the soil, appeal primarily to the
subconscious and are accordingly of diabolic orientation, synthetic ones, by
contrast, appeal to the superconscious, and are therefore of a comparatively
divine orientation.
81. Even the mildest natural drugs, like tea and
tobacco, are fundamentally of a diabolic orientation, insofar as they result in
a correspondingly mild downward self-transcendence.
82. Even for transcendental man, a degree of
downward self-transcendence becomes necessary ... to the extent that he is the
possessor of a natural body with natural needs, including, not least of all,
83. It is quite conceivable that a person who,
for one reason or another, lacked the requisite intake of sensuality for his
particular body in one or more important contexts, would be obliged to seek
compensatory sensuality in the regular use of tobacco, alcohol, coffee, etc.
84. In the future, however, all natural drugs
will be transcended ... as man transcends his body in the Superman.
85. And the Superman will be cultivated from
birth with the aid of test-tube reproduction, so that he will be accustomed to
existing in an extensively artificial, not to say transcendental, context from
the very first.
86. It would be quite immoral to create the
Superman from a grown man, depriving that man of his body through an extensive
87. No grown man will be forced to sacrifice his
body in order to become superhuman. The
Superman will be created, in all probability, from birth.
88. Even a brain that, under natural
circumstances, would have acquired a female body ... will become a Superman and
not a Superwoman. This first phase of
the post-Human Millennium will be predominantly transcendent - as will the
second phase, although, given the removal of the old brain, to a somewhat
greater extent.
89. Transcendence will signify the complete
spiritualization of life ... in and through the Divine Omega; for it will
entail the total overcoming of matter, with freedom even from the new brain.
90. Transcendence will inevitably lead to the
heavenly, i.e. transcendental, Beyond, though it won't necessarily lead
straight to the Omega Absolute ... in ultimate Oneness.
91. Bearing in mind the immensity of the spatial
universe, it is more than likely that transcendence will lead to the
establishment of 'local', or galactic, globes of pure spirit, which will
gradually converge towards other such globes from remoter parts of the
92. Thus a gradual convergence to the Omega
Absolute may also be manifested on the transcendent plane, constituting (for a
time) an antithetical development to planets, which are themselves
intermediaries between the Alpha Absolute(s) ... of the stars and the sensual
communality of the plants.
93. With the eventual establishment, however, of
the Omega Absolute, the evolution of the Universe, in the fullest sense of that
word, would be complete.
94. And the supreme being of the Omega Absolute
would continue, in all likelihood, to expand into space, in contrast to the
gradual contractions and dissolutions of the stars.
95. With the ultimate dissolution of the
remaining stars, the Universe would attain to perfection ... in the sole
presence of the Omega Absolute. And the
Omega Absolute would last for ever.
96. As spirit expands, so matter contracts. As spirit converges, so matter diverges.
97. Social evolution begins in tribalism,
proceeds to nationalism, and culminates in internationalism.
98. Parliamentary democracy is a compromise
between conservatism and socialism, and is therefore inherently liberal.
99. Just as the pre-dualistic age was
fundamentally lesbian in character, and the dualistic age ... heterosexual, so
the post-dualistic age can only be homosexual (though not necessarily
literally), if more in terms of a male-biased unisexual absolutism.
100. Each time a man falls in love, he becomes a
spiritual nonentity. To fall in love is
to succumb to the body and its beauty thereof.
Spirit is eclipsed by flesh.
101. Just as the ape is beneath sensual love, so
the Superman would be above it.
102. Literature is the greatest of the arts, because
it appeals directly to the mind.
103. The modern literary masterpiece must
necessarily be both short, reflecting a materialistic contraction, and true,
advancing a spiritualistic expansion.
104. Western nations are divisible, in the present
century, between those that are dualistic, like Britain and France, and those
that are transitional between dualism and post-dualism, like the United States
and Germany.
105. As life evolves, so it becomes more
interiorized. The men of the
transcendental civilization won't just be more introspective than those of the
Christian or Christian/transcendental ones.
They will also spend more time indoors.
106. In the post-dualistic civilization, books will
be superseded by computer discs, which will be the medium through which
literature is read.
107. In the post-dualistic civilization, nothing
appertaining to pre-dualistic or dualistic civilization will be read. An exclusively omega-oriented civilization
requires an exclusively omega-oriented literature. Works appertaining to the past will, for the
most part, be taboo or, at any rate, 'beneath the pale'.
108. A new civilization requires not just a new
literature, but a new art, music, architecture, politics, religion, science,
sexuality - indeed, a new everything.
109. The typical leader of the post-dualistic
civilization will be more of a religious than a political figure.
110. By the time mankind attains to the post-Human
Millennium, the leaders will be exclusively religious types.
111. That there will always be leaders and led,
coercers and coerced, is a cardinal fact - and necessity - of evolution.
112. The demolition of the State for its own sake
would not lead to a post-civilized society in the post-Human Millennium, but to
a pre-civilized society in barbarous chaos and anarchy.
113. The demolition or, rather, contractive
'withering away' of the State ... is only justified on the basis of the
expansion of the Church towards an exclusively religious stage of evolution, as
in the post-Human Millennium.
114. But such an advanced stage of evolution,
commensurate with the superhuman and superbeingful phases of the post-Human
Millennium, will still entail a distinction between leaders and led, the only
difference being that the leaders will then be exclusively religious.
115. The leaders of a civilization, however, are
divisible between politics and religion.
116. In pre-dualistic civilization, the political
leaders or, rather, rulers preponderate over the religious ones in the ratio of
at least 3:1.
117. In dualistic civilization, the political and
religious rulers/leaders are approximately in balance, although nominal
priority of status is granted to the latter.
118. In post-dualistic civilization, the religious
leaders will preponderate over the political ones in a ratio of at least 3:1.
119. In the post-Human Millennium, however, only
religious leaders will exist, and their task will be to ensure that the
collectivized brains of the Supermen and, later and most especially, the
new-brain collectivizations of the Superbeings ... are set directly on course
for transcendence, and hence the attainment of spirit to the post-millennial
120. Unfortunately latter-day Marxists, especially
in the West, do not possess such an evolutionary perspective, which is why they
make the lamentable mistake of assuming that the proletariat should be left
entirely to its own devices, without either political or religious guidance,
following the advent of socialism.
121. The consequences of such an hypothetical
eventuality would be too bleak to bear contemplating, but naive Marxists, who
foolishly elevate the common man to the level of a saintly ideal, could not be
expected to know that!
122. Rather, if anything, would these naive Marxists
be inclined to equate the Millennium with literal power to the People, with an
absence, in other words, of any control on and/or guidance of the People, in
the interests of what they mistakenly consider to be true socialism.
123. By treating Marx as an infallible guide to
evolutionary truth, his most literal followers are doomed to repeat all of
Marx's worst errors and limitations.
124. Without my own contribution to the evolution of
post-dualistic thought, one is in the realm of socialist barbarism - a
necessary realm for a certain period of time, but a realm which must eventually
be transcended, if civilization is to reappear on a higher level.
125. As the spiritual expands, so the material
contracts; the bound electron becomes free and the proton is transformed into
or replaced by quasi-electrons.
126. The post-atomic society will be free of proton
control, and thus able to aspire towards the maximum electron freedom.
127. If the sun, and indeed most stars, convert(s)
hydrogen into helium through proton-proton reactions, then the future Spiritual
Globes, so far from a helium hell, will entail an electron-electron attraction
... as they converge towards one another in the transcendental Beyond.
128. Quasi-electron equivalents, whether socialist
politicians or avant-garde scientists, function in opposition to proton
equivalents, but remain, at bottom, proton-natured.
129. Free-electron equivalents, whether radical
politicians or transcendentalists, oppose bound-electron equivalents, such as
Christians and liberals, and desire to orientate mankind towards the Divine
130. By themselves, quasi-electron equivalents would
only minimize the Diabolic, whereas it is imperative for evolutionary progress
that the expansion of spirit towards the Divine should subsequently be aided by
free-electron equivalents.
131. Only when the political quasi-electron
equivalents make way for free-electron equivalents ... will post-atomic
civilization make its first appearance in the world.
132. The present century signifies a transitional
age between the end of proton determinism and the beginnings of electron
freedom, and is accordingly neither atomic nor post-atomic but ... somewhere
133. It is thus, par excellence, a
bourgeois/proletarian age, an age of transition from the capitalistic bourgeoisie
to the socialistic proletariat, and its chief representatives are countries
like America, Japan, and Germany.
134. To an officially proletarian state, all types
and degrees of petty-bourgeois art, which includes what is commonly regarded as
'modern art', are irrelevant.
135. This would be so even if the proletarian state
were civilized and not barbarous, since the irrelevance of petty-bourgeois art
to a proletarian civilization would then be founded on its inadequate degree of
transcendentalism rather than, from the barbarous point-of-view, on a
materialistic opposition to petty-bourgeois transcendentalism, i.e. painterly
136. The proletarian society of a transcendental
bias, however, would wish to develop post-dualistic spirituality, and
consequently would uphold the more radical transcendentalism of the
proletariat, utilizing a variety of electronic means.
137. This superior transcendentalism would be
derived from the superconscious, which constitutes the higher subjectivity of
transcendental man, rather than from the conscious mind at or near its
'Pentecostal' peak, as it were.
138. The oldest idealism, as pertaining to the
objectivity of the subconscious, would have no hold on the civilized
proletariat, and consequently they would not be partial to the lower
objectivity of the external cosmos.
139. Rather, they would tend to impose on that
external cosmos the ultimate idealism abstracted from the subjectivity of the
140. Only the internal reality of the superconscious
is really pertinent to a post-atomic society, for which the proton-dominated
external reality of the Cosmos - and nature - will be taboo.
141. The civilized proletariat would look upon that
lower diabolic reality with a divine bias, seeing only the idealism they have
imposed upon it, in fidelity to their superconscious subjectivity.
142. And thus post-atomic society would draw ever
closer to the ultimate reality of transcendent spirit, derived from the
superconscious and destined for unity in the Omega Absolute at the spiritual
culmination of evolution.
143. Literature in the proletarian civilization
would be collective and essential rather than individual and apparent, as with
previous levels of civilization.
144. Meaning in literature is the proton of a
sentence, words the bound electrons which revolve around it, so to speak, in
the interests of meaningful sense.
145. Post-atomic literature requires that words be
freed from the constraint of meaning and elevated to the status of free
electrons. This is especially desirable
in the context of poetry, hitherto the most proton-dominated branch of
146. The convergence towards an Omega Point on the
level of literature not only requires that words be freed from proton
determinism but, as a corollary of this, that literature be freed from the
constraints of one language and composed in multi-lingual terms.
147. For with the eventual emergence of post-atomic
civilization throughout the world, literature would have to be international in
the profoundest sense.
148. As they grow old, women contract physically
whereas men expand spiritually. Just so
does the material side of life contract as the spiritual side of it expands.
149. Socialism signifies a contraction of the
material, transcendentalism an expansion of the spiritual.
150. As the State 'withers', so the Church will
blossom into the exclusive spirituality of the post-Human Millennium,
post-civilized because post-human.