1.    Autocratic lesbianism, democratic heterosexuality and/or homosexuality, theocratic pornography.  Heterosexual sex is to the democratic compromise between proton and electron equivalents. viz. workers and bourgeoisie, what homosexuality is to its socialist successor, that is to say, the logical sexual concomitant of an atomic civilization.  If heterosexual sex corresponds to a proton/electron relativity between women and men, then homosexual sex corresponds to an electron-electron attraction between men.  However, there is still a relativity of sorts involved with the latter, and therefore an extension of humanism towards an absolute integrity.  Thus homosexuality is more suited to a social democracy than to a parliamentary one, and we need not doubt that many Socialists, or would-be Socialists, are essentially homosexual.  This is not to say, however, that all those who consider themselves socialist are really what they claim to be!  A strong bias for pornography would indicate a fascistic temperament and ideological suitability for theocracy, a strong bias for heterosexual relations ... a democratic or bourgeois integrity.


2.    Now let us turn to the two extremes - those corresponding to the autocratic and the theocratic respectively.  If lesbianism was the autocratic norm, then it was on account of the stemming from proton absolutism of the early (pagan) civilizations, their subatomic constitution favouring, in sexual as in most other matters, something equivalent to a proton-proton reaction.  But lesbianism was not the sole sexuality, nor even the most important one where some ancient peoples were concerned; for there also existed, at least with the ancient Greeks and Indians, a taste for erotic sculpture, which undoubtedly played a significant role in relieving sexual tensions!  We may say that nude sculpture was to them what pornography is to us or, at any rate, to those of us with a theocratic bias.  Thus an antithesis may be inferred to exist between latter-day pornography and erotic sculpture.


3.    However, if autocratic sexual indulgence implied a radical concession to materialism, to the sub-organic as well as to a pre-atomic proton absolutism in the form of lesbianism, the latter a later and more 'democratic' development than the former (corresponding to the progression, in modern times, from heterosexuality to homosexuality), then we need not doubt that theocratic sexual indulgence implies a radical concession to idealism, to the supra-organic, which manifests itself in various forms and degrees of pornography.


4.    Pornography, then, is the theocratic sex of the age, somewhat beyond the sculptural connection, in medieval iconography, of the Blessed Virgin or of her elevation onto stained-glass and canvas, an intellectualized, spiritualized compromise existing between lovers in the flesh, whether lesbian, heterosexual, or homosexual.  I have described it as fascistic, but that would apply to adult pornography, particularly of a hard-core nature, whereas its evolution to a proletarian level presupposes the use, through computers rather than magazines, of juveniles in an ultimate pornography only appropriate to a Social Transcendentalist age and society, in which a more attenuated sexuality, focusing on mature (16-19) teenagers, was the morally desirable alternative to properly adult levels of sex.  No doubt, earlier levels of pornography, together with the three kinds of fleshy sex, would be taboo in an absolutely theocratic society.   Propagation would increasingly become an artificial affair, invoking Centrist regulation and supervision.  Sperm banks and artificial insemination would gradually supersede natural sexual activity as the appropriate method of reproduction for an advanced civilization.  Couples, whether married or otherwise, would become a thing of the past, a reflection of atomic compromise, and this no less the case with regard to homosexuals than to their heterosexual counterparts.


5.    Regarding lesbianism again, my conception of a lesbian age, as germane to an autocratic society, isn't one - necessarily oversimplified - which posits lesbian relations solely between females but, on the contrary, one that regards all relations, whether between men and women or men and men, as fundamentally lesbian on account of the pre-atomic integrity of pagan society and, as a corollary of this, the reactive nature of sexual relationships.  In short, women would have been too reactive, by and large, to contemplate or indulge in regular sex with their own kind.  The ability of women to have attractive sex with one another comes later, at that point in time when women undergo masculinization to a degree whereby any such seemingly lesbian relations partake of a quasi-homosexual character.  Exceptions to this rule there may have been, but I am quite convinced that women would not have gone in for strictly lesbian sex with each other in pagan times!


6.    Concerning musical instruments, there exists, as in other contexts, a distinction between the autocratic, the democratic, and the theocratic.  Broadly, instruments falling within the first category include percussion, wind, and brass; instruments within the second category include strings, keyboards, and guitars; while those within the third category include harps, organs, and synthesizers.  Again, to generalize, we may hold that 'autocratic' instruments are played horizontally and naturally, i.e. with naked contact of fingers; that 'democratic' instruments are played horizontally and artificially, i.e. with bow, plectrum, etc; while 'theocratic' instruments are played vertically and artificially.  There is about the 'democratic' instruments a kind of dualistic compromise between the horizontal and the vertical, the natural and the artificial, as befits their bourgeois status.


7.    If acoustic upright pianos correspond to a liberal democratic integrity, then electric pianos signify a progression along that same democratic spectrum to an integrity corresponding to social democracy, and may accordingly be regarded as socialistic, in conjunction with electric guitars.  By contrast, the distinction between an acoustic organ and an electric organ would correspond to the theological distinction (on the schismatic theocratic spectrum) between Protestantism and Communism, whereas the truly theocratic instruments, corresponding to the catholic and fascist parts of the main theocratic spectrum, would be further apart from each other because flanking the 'false' theocratic instruments, and therefore more akin to the distinction between a harp or, alternatively, harpsichord and a synthesizer.  Has not the harp long symbolized Ireland's Roman Catholic theocratic integrity?


8.    However that may be, we are advancing towards an age when the harp should be supplanted by a more advanced 'theocratic' instrument, if not exactly a Moog synthesizer these days ... then one of its more sophisticated and autonomous successors in the form of a synthesizer appropriate to a Social Transcendentalist age.  Needless to say, all 'democratic' and 'autocratic' instruments would then become taboo!


9.    Referring to the autocratic, it seems feasible to contend that the popularity of the saxophone in the present century owes not a little to its vertical handling, since possessing a kind of quasi-theocratic integrity as an instrument equivalent to a military dictatorship, being on the tail-end, as it were, of the autocratic spectrum, and thus the logical successor to more horizontal types of brass (trumpet) and wind (flute) instruments.  But not, definitely not, electronic!


10.   A decidedly important factor with regard to Social Transcendentalism that will distinguish it, during both its phases, from petty-bourgeois LSD-tripping and/or transcendental meditation, will be its dependence, for practical realization, on specially-constructed chest-to-crotch harnesses suspended from an overhead scaffold-like apparatus within any given Meditation Centre, so that its practitioners are lifted free of the ground and enabled to trip or meditate, as the case may be, in a vertical posture - free, to all appearances, of their bodies.


11.   In such fashion, the body will be immobilized and thus rendered incapable of disturbing or dominating the mind, a particularly important consideration where LSD tripping is concerned, in that people would not be able to walk about or otherwise make physical nuisances of themselves.  A tripper trussed-up in one of these harnesses would be unable to leave the Meditation Centre during the duration of his trip, and so his psychic experiences would be strictly confined to the Centre in question, where qualified personnel would ensure his mental and/or physical wellbeing.


12.        Of course, I do not wish to stress the negative advantages of this procedure at the expense of the positive ones, which should always remain paramount - namely, that the individual practitioners of the true religion will be in the best possible physical position to cultivate spirit by dint of being in an absolutely vertical posture some feet above the ground, a posture as levitation-like as its psychological concomitance is transcendental.