1.    The only true and worthwhile revolution is the one that changes everything, not just a few things here and there!  The Social Transcendentalist revolution, if successful, will be the most radical and far-reaching revolution ever.  The Kingdom or, rather, Centre that he who corresponds to a Second Coming/True World Messiah intends to establish ... will be no mere continuation of open-society democracy, but the radical break with tradition, nature, the world, etc., that all true believers, whether Christian or Judaic, have awaited for centuries - a break that will confirm them in their belief and test its authenticity.


2.    Those who oppose this revolution will be judged severely, as they fully deserve!  The sword of truth will cleave the faithless from the faithful, the liars from the true.  Only those with faith in my teachings will be saved for the Centre, the others ... damned to a banishment irrevocable!  And they include all those who appear Christian on the surface but, underneath, would oppose the Second Coming and seek to protect the Church from criticism and supersession, the false believers who have substituted the institution of the Church for the living truth it exists to convey, the truth of the 'kingdom within', and would consequently oppose radical change, especially any radical change that threatens their vested interests.


3.    Christ taught that those who came unto Him would have to abandon parents and family.  It is ever the same where a true revolutionary is concerned.  You do not become a revolutionary by clinging to tradition or by hanging-on to the luxuries of bourgeois life.  You must be free, absolutely free, for the cause, not be inhibited by concern for parents or family.  You must be prepared, if necessary, to sacrifice them for it!


4.    If heterosexual behaviour is natural and homosexual behaviour anti-natural, corresponding, in political terms, to a communist opposition or alternative to liberal democracy, then anal intercourse between women and men should be regarded as a kind of homosexual heterosexuality, the sexual equivalent of democratic socialism, a sort of relative or diluted anti-naturalism in between liberal and communist contexts.  Alternatively, one could contend that, in the evolution of anti-natural sexuality, anal 'heterosexuality' precedes bisexuality, meaning an oscillation between straight heterosexuality and homosexuality, a more extreme relativity than that evinced by the anal violation of women, though a degree of this may still figure in bisexual relations or practices.


5.    Thus one would be distinguishing, to risk a further political analogy, between a Democratic Socialist equivalent and a Social Democratic equivalent, the one preceding the other as from early to late stages of petty-bourgeois evolution.


6.    If one were to return to the absolutist inception of the democratic spectrum, one would probably be justified in also speaking of Cromwellian or Whig lesbianism, but that is another matter and now I only wish to add that, by contrast, a truly theocratic sexuality, i.e. a supernatural sexuality, must involve recourse to pornography of one degree or another, either with adults (soft or hard) or - more for the transcendental future than the mundane present - the use, via computers, of lawful teenage juveniles.


7.    A supernatural sexuality is precisely one in which there is still a natural relation between model and masturbator/voyeur, as between female and male, vagina and penis, except that, the model being a reproduction and not a real-life flesh-and-blood woman, the sexual proceedings/relations are necessarily one-sided (absolutist) and sublimated.  Hence supernatural.


8.    The present age is partial to much hard-core adult pornography, and this static mode of sublimated sexuality can be contrasted with the video/film active mode which suggests a sexual parallel with a military dictatorship, i.e. the pseudo-autocratic successor to the autocratic rule of monarchs.  The sex film does not, as a rule, induce supernatural participation but, rather, the subordination of the viewer to the passive role of voyeur of other people's sexual activity.  A contrast, no doubt, with the pagan inception of autocratic sexuality in the worship of erotic sculpture, some of which, being static, must have induced actual copulation.


9.    One wonders whether the numerous arms and legs of certain oriental statues, for instance, were not specifically intended to discourage active participation by suggesting animation, the ever-active dance of sexual life.  Speculation aside, the significance of contemporary sublimated sexuality in the evolution of life towards a theocratic climax cannot be underestimated, and, certainly, pornographic erotica will continue to be respected wherever theocracy gains the ascendancy, even, in some future societies, to the extent of completely displacing other modes of sexuality, the democratic not excepted.


10.   The genuine artist is ever a law unto himself, a man who says what he wants to irrespective of whether or not it will be appreciated by the majority of people.  He is a kind of Arts Führer, in whom creative sovereignty resides, and he leads from above, setting new standards and creating fresh interpretative possibilities, which the public may draw near to if they wish or, more correctly, are capable of appreciating what he has suggested, achieved, or whatever.


11.   Thus he is essentially theocratic, in contrast to the bogus, or democratic, artist, who aims to please the broad masses - whether bourgeois or proletarian - and thus prostitutes his creative talent (such as it is) in the name of popularity and, by implication, financial success.  In a democratic society, the genuine artist will always be the exception, doing his own thing at the expense of popular acclamation and, hence, financial betterment.  But an age is coming when no democratic art will be available, and then, in the theocratic society that ensues, the theocratic artist will be the rule - in fact, the only representative of artistic endeavour.


12.   Economics - politics - religion; science - philosophy - art; autocratic - democratic - theocratic; aristocratic - plutocratic - meritocratic; beauty - goodness - truth; pleasure - love - happiness; Father - Son - Holy Ghost; protons - neutrons - electrons; kingdom - state - centre; propitiation - worship - self-realization; subego - ego - superego; soul - matter - spirit; Hell - Purgatory - Heaven; child - youth - adult.


13.   The aristocratic kingdom - the technocratic church/plutocratic state - and the meritocratic centre: from the autocratic to the theocratic via the bureaucratic/democratic, paralleling an evolutionary progression from the Father to the Holy Spirit via the Son, Who, in His humanistic relativity, embraces both the aristocratic and the meritocratic, as a kind of diluted Father and Holy Spirit respectively, but is not, in any absolute sense, aristocratic or meritocratic.


14.   The next civilization will be as much beyond Christ as the Christian one was beyond the Father, or Creator.  There can be no literal Second Coming ... of Christ as a cross between alpha and omega.  Embodied Holy Spirit does not acknowledge the Father, but champions an evolutionary course set on the freeing of all spirit from the body.  He who corresponds to a Second Coming, i.e. the founder and teacher of what, in its radical truthfulness, deserves to become a truly global religion, does not bear the name 'Christ', and neither should he be regarded as such.  For that would be an insult to peoples of non-Christian descent.


15.   Those who believe in a literal return of Christ are simply the dupes of theological expedience.  No such Christ - transmuted into pure spirit following His Ascension into Heaven - will ever return, for no such ascension ever literally occurred.  It was simply theologically correct that the Church should have taught the Ascension into Heaven (on the Third Day) in order to show simple humanity that there was more to life than the body and its dying, that, due to evolutionary progress, a dimension of life transcending the body had been discovered, as taught by Christ, and that future progress for mankind lay in expanding the spiritual at the expense of the sensual.


16.   The Ascension served as a metaphor for this divine possibility in man, as in evolution, and has accordingly been upheld wherever Christian and equivalent religious teachings have prevailed.  But in reality no man, not even Christ, can ever literally ascend into Heaven, the realm of pure spirit.  Evolution must pass through two post-human life forms before transcendence becomes possible, and this contention is at the core of my teachings, the teachings, as I said, of a new or second Christ-like figure, less a Second Coming than - at any rate potentially - a True World Messiah.


17.   But there are vested interests and fools who will cling to the past, seeking, in the process, to deny or slander my teachings.  It is really amazing how many stupid people are in positions of traditional power, people whose innate intelligence, even cleverness, has been stunted and limited by their class allegiance to the doctrinal teachings of their faith and, not least of all, by the influence of a rural or partly rural lifestyle, their dependence on nature in natural or semi-natural surroundings precluding the development of a truly radical, transcendental mentality!


18.   Ah, the enemies of evolutionary progress are legion, but Judgement must be severe if that progress is not to be held back indefinitely by the purblind machinations of sophisticated fools!  All power to the Centre!  Let Social Transcendentalist truth spread throughout the world, in order that it may eventually become united in the faith of the ultimate theocracy!


LONDON 1977–84 (Revised 2012)