To play the game,

Not take the blame

As inconsiderate,

Appears to me

As decency,

And not immoderate.


But though I tried,

And satisfied,

My conscience's desire,

I often found

My neighbours bound

To all but their attire.


To demonstrate,

Not remonstrate,

Should make things clear enough.

But I was wrong

To hope so long

When they were out to bluff.


Perhaps they thought

That I was fraught

With fear, not to complain,

When circumspect,

And with respect,

I sought their trust in vain.


Thus with regret,

And much upset,

Their walls and doors I plied,

While, much surprised,

They compromised

And grudgingly complied.


However, peace

Was soon to cease

When habit reappeared.

For with their din

They raged again

As though I'd disappeared.


"Enough!" thought I,

"I'll have to buy

Another stereo,

And hope no thief

Brings further grief

Into this status quo."


But that's the earth,

That larger hearth

Where armouries are sown.

Distrusting each

His neighbour's reach,

Each land defends its own.