1.   Turning away from analogical parallels, let us now distinguish, within transcendentalism, what may be called the inner metaphysical universal self (of superconscious mind) from the inner metaphysical universal not-self (of supernatural will) and the inner metaphysical universal selflessness (of supercultural spirit).


2.   Clearly, that which is of the inner metaphysical universal self is of the superconscious mind, the superego of the superman, and contrasts not only with the inner metaphysical universal not-self ... of supernatural will, the formful will of the lungs to breathe, but with the inner metaphysical universal selflessness ... of supercultural spirit, the air that is breathed by the lungs and which becomes, for the supermasculine meditator, the spiritual redemption, through perfect content(ment), of his self.


3.   Such a spiritual redemption is achieved precisely because the essence of selfless universality provides, in its boundless lightness, a release for the inner metaphysical universal self from its selfishness, and thereby enlightens it, making it (super)conscious of a joy which lifts it beyond both inner metaphysical profanity and divinity, inner metaphysical self and not-self, towards inner metaphysical sublimity, which is nothing less than the heavenly condition which comes upon that which is able to identify itself with selfless universality on the out-breath of the spirit.


4.   This superconscious self, which is not of itself spirit but owes its origins to spirit, becomes for the nonce one with spirit, and is therefore rendered holy by that which transcends the inner metaphysical universal self in its selfless universality, and brings to the self-transcending inner metaphysical universal self an accommodation with its soul, so to speak, the sensible being of sublime joy (bliss), pretty much as a fall-back from one extreme to another within the inner metaphysical context, before, returning to its rational or, rather, super-rational selfishness again, the inner metaphysical universal self plunges anew into the inner metaphysical universal not-self of the (inner metaphysical) divine will, in order to be borne aloft, on the ethereal wings of the out-breath, towards both a deliverance from itself and an accommodation, more importantly, with that core of itself which is the metaphysical response to selfless universality.


5.   For behind the superconscious mind of the superego, or inner metaphysical universal self, lies the super-unconscious mind of the superego's soul, or inner metaphysical universal unself, and it is this which the superego experiences, once it is lifted free of itself by selfless universality and rebounds from spirit to soul, before regaining its (super)rational equilibrium and returning, albeit briefly, to itself.


6.   Hence there is for the meditating Transcendentalist a cycle of progressions from mind to soul or, rather, soul-mind via will and spirit, as from self to unself-self via not-self and selflessness, in which the entire gamut of metaphysical possibility is explored and experienced.  The out-breath is less Heaven for the meditating Transcendentalist than the means to the heavenly End which comes upon it when it is thrust back from lightness to enlightenment, from spirit to joy, and experiences the kernel of its metaphysical being.... Or, rather, selfless universality is heavenly alright, but the lightness of spirit is simply too much for the self to abide with for very long, and it is therefore thrust back upon its inner kernel as upon the most desirable of hells which the mind of (super)man could possibly experience, and is enlightened by metaphysical soul, the soul not of Hell per se, still less of anything metachemical on the Cupidian axis of space-time, but of the innermost depths of that transcendent earth which is commensurate with the mind of inner metaphysical universal self, and which would otherwise remain too deeply buried for experiential exhumation, so to speak, were it not for the rebound from universal selflessness which allows the self to realize its soulful kernel, before regaining its equilibrium and plunging from superego into superwill, as from the superself to supernature, as before.


7.   Thus a progression not only from mind to spirit via will on the plane of inner metaphysics, but from mind to soul-mind via will and spirit there, as from the Son to the Risen Son via the Father and the Holy Ghost, the former commensurate with ultimate God and the latter with ultimate Heaven, as, on a lower level, with lungs and breath, the form and content of inner metaphysical universality, which both take from the self and give back to the self enhanced experience of its soulful core.