1.   Thus the soulful core of the inner metaphysical universal self is anything but soul per se, which appertains not to metaphysics but to metachemistry, not to airiness but to fieriness, and is therefore commensurate, through emotion, with love rather than joy, the (latter of which is the) most sublime feeling known to mankind.


2.   One could call this soul-mind of the inner metaphysical universal self the transcendent soul, since it is anything but fundamentalist in the strictly religious sense, albeit fundamental to the self in question, which normally exists at a (super)rational remove from it as superconscious mind.


3.   Such superconscious mind, being (super)rational, is in subatomic terms less photonic than protonic, and is therefore pertinent, so I contend, to protinos, the elementinos I have customarily associated with sensible (as opposed to sensual) metaphysics, and thus with the inner metaphysical universal self.


4.   Yet mind can be conventional and neutronic or radical and deuteronic even here, in the inner metaphysical realm, and therefore we can distinguish between the neutronic protinos, as it were, of conventional superconscious mind and the deuteronic protinos of radical superconscious mind, the superconscious mind that is completely 'turned on', in meditative terms, and (super)consciously engaged with both the inner metaphysical not-self and universal selflessness, the lungs and the breath, to a higher or more radical extent than would otherwise be the case - an extent, in short, nothing short of God and Heaven.


5.   Likewise, the inner metaphysical not-self will gradually shift from a more or less electronic mode of metaphysical willing to a positronic mode of such willing, as it changes from conventional to radical breathing or, rather, from breathing to meditating, breath to spirit, and so passes from the electronic protinos, as it were, of conventional supernatural will to the positronic protinos of radical supernatural will, the fully committed meditating that transcends breathing and offers to the turned-on inner metaphysical self, which will likewise be in its radical mode, the experience of spirit, such that achieves a protino purity of lightness on the out-breath, the breath that is truly holy, and hence universal.


6.   But the radical inner metaphysical self of deuteronic protinos can only react to the protino lightness of the out-breath, and thus rebound back from it towards its own inner kernel, which is less (super)rational than (super)soulful, and hence affiliated to photinos to an extent that obliges us to conceive of it in terms of photonic protinos, the soul-mind of joyful self-realization for the inner metaphysical universal self that follows upon its spiritual redemption through selfless universality, and obliges it to come face-to-face, so to speak, with its own inner depths.


7.   Thus not only is there a neutronic and/or deuteronic mode of protino selfishness, there is a photonic mode of such selfishness which is the reward for selfless universality, once the inner metaphysical universal self has passed through both the electronic and, in particular, positronic protinos of the not-self and the protino purity of selfless universality, and earned the right to joyful self-indulgence in consequence, its own super-rational level of protino being temporarily eclipsed by the supersoulful level of it that we have identified with photonic protinos, the blissful 'Hell-Earth' of inner metaphysical self-realization which we may equate with enlightenment, and from which the superconscious mind will return to its customary equilibrium, before plunging anew, through ongoing meditative praxis, into the divine will of the not-self.


8.   However, to return to the point I was making at the beginning of this cycle, the blissful 'Hell-Earth' of inner metaphysical self-realization is vastly different to and distinct from the Hell of, say, inner metachemical self-realization, where emotional love has its fiery throne, and we are less concerned with photonic protinos than with photinos as such, which pertain, after all, to the metachemical axis of space-time materialism, the photon-to-photino axis of metachemical sensuality and sensibility, which is as far removed, in noumenal terms, from the metaphysical axis of time-space idealism, of proton-to-protino subatomicity, as it is possible to imagine.  Fortunately, the sentient (feeling) self-realization of the inner metaphysical universal self stops well short of any emotional self-realization, and that is why it is anything but evil in its metaphysical essence but affiliated, by contrast, to that which is wise - the joyful wisdom, in a phrase, of the superman.