1.   The spiritual self/unself exists, in 're-born' noumenal terms, above the intellectual self/unself, as superego/superconscious above upper ego/upper conscious, whereas the aural self/unself exits, in 'once-born' noumenal terms, above the carnal self/unself, as subego/subconscious above lower ego/lower conscious, the latter of course sensual where its intellectual counterpart is sensible.


2.   Such it is on the male side of life, wherein the elements of vegetation and air have their subjective places, the one with regard to the phenomenal planes of mass and volume, the other with regard to the noumenal planes of time and space.


3.   On the female, or objective, side of life, however, the emotional self/unself exists, in 're-born' noumenal terms, above the instinctual self/unself, as sub-unego/sub-unconscious above lower unego/lower unconscious, whereas the optical self/unself exists, in 'once-born' noumenal terms, above the verbal self/unself, as super-unego/super-unconscious above upper unego/upper unconscious, the latter of course sensual where its instinctual counterpart is sensible.


4.   Such it is on the female side of life, wherein the elements of fire and water have their objective places, the one with regard to the noumenal planes of space and time, the other with regard to the phenomenal planes of volume and mass.


5.   Thus whereas on the male side of life we have an ascension, in vegetation, from phallus to brain and, in air, from ears to lungs, on the female side of life, by contrast, we find a descension, in fire, from eyes to heart and, in water, from tongue to womb.


6.   This is, of course, in terms of the two-way bisecting of four planes in each case on a diagonal basis, such that grants us in the one case, that of male ascension, mass-volume naturalism within vegetation and time-space idealism within air, as opposed, in the other case, that of female descension, to space-time materialism within fire and volume-mass realism within water.


7.   Hence the subjective elements provide the possibility of an ascension from physics to metaphysics, vegetation to air, while the objective elements provide the possibility, by contrast, of a descension from metachemistry to chemistry, fire to water.


8.   In terms of the noumenal planes, however, it follows that space will be spatial in objectivity but spaced in subjectivity, whereas time will be sequential in subjectivity but repetitive in objectivity, space-time materialism accordingly differing from time-space idealism as the objectivity of spatial space to repetitive time from the subjectivity of sequential time to spaced space, the former options metachemical and the latter ones metaphysical.


9.   In terms of the phenomenal planes, however, it follows that volume will be volumetric in objectivity but voluminous in subjectivity, whereas mass will be massive in subjectivity but massed in objectivity, volume-mass realism accordingly differing from mass-volume naturalism as the objectivity of volumetric volume to massed mass from the subjectivity of massive mass to voluminous volume, the former options chemical and the latter ones physical.


10.  It is my contention that the plane of space, being supernoumenal, correlates with that which is extreme right, albeit in the absolutely antithetical terms of optical sensuality and respiratory sensibility, spatial space and spaced space, and that such a plane is cerebrally paralleled, in more general terms, by the forebrain, to which both the eyes and the lungs would owe their respective loyalties.


11.  Likewise, I contend that the plane of time, being subnoumenal, correlates with that which is extreme left, albeit in the absolutely antithetical terms of aural sensuality and cardiac sensibility, sequential time and repetitive time, and that such a plane is cerebrally paralleled by the backbrain, to which both the ears and the heart would owe their respective loyalties.


12.  Similarly, it is my contention that the plane of volume, being upper phenomenal, correlates with that which is moderate right, albeit in the relatively antithetical terms of verbal sensuality and cogitative sensibility, volumetric volume and voluminous volume, and that such a plane is cerebrally paralleled, in more general terms, by the right midbrain, to which both the tongue and the brain (overall) would owe their respective loyalties.


13.  Finally, I contend that the plane of mass, being lower phenomenal, correlates with that which is moderate left, albeit in the relatively antithetical terms of carnal sensuality and maternal sensibility, massive mass and massed mass, and that such a plane is cerebrally paralleled by the left midbrain, to which both the phallus and the womb would owe their respective loyalties.