1.   The rationality of the ego, or intellectual self, is geared to a reasonable end ... in the mind, or spiritual unself, whether in connection with vegetation (phenomenal) or with air (noumenal), such that requires recourse to subjective orders of not-self and selflessness.


2.   By contrast, the irrationality of the id, or instinctual self, is geared to an unreasonable end ... in the soul, or emotional unself, whether in connection with fire (noumenal) or with water (phenomenal), such that requires recourse to objective orders of not-self and selflessness.


3.   This, in a nutshell, explains the difference between the male and female sides of life, the former sane in its reasoning pursuit of spirituality through intellectuality, of mind through ego, and the latter insane, or mad, in what amounts to an unreasoning conspiracy between instinctuality and emotionality, id and soul, to topple reason.


4.   For the id and the soul do not normally exist, exceptions to the rule notwithstanding, independently of other factors but, being objective, in relation to the ego and the mind over which they seek dominion.


5.   In short, the female side of life only achieves fulfilment via control of its male side, without which it would be isolated from the possibility of both romantic and maternal satisfaction.


6.   It is necessity which drives the female side of life in search of dominion over its male side, for that which is objective is compelled, by its (un)nature, to impose upon the subjective ... in order to bask in its reflection and achieve release, no matter how temporarily, from the existentialist horror at the base of its own vacuous existence.  Woman is nothing without man.


7.   Nevertheless, man has a subjective interest in resisting, as far as possible, the objective impositions of woman; for wisdom lies in content(ment), more specifically in the perfect content(ment) of joy, and such a sublime end is only possible to him if he remains or becomes independent of female domination.


8.   Ultimately, there are only two ways of remaining independent of female domination: the first is the half-wise way of Christian (nonconformist) knowledge and pleasure, which allows for a physical 'rebirth' on the phenomenal plane of voluminous volume, in connection with vegetative ego and mind; the second is the fully wise way of Superchristian (transcendental) truth and joy, which allows for a metaphysical 'rebirth' on the noumenal plane of spaced space, in connection with airy ego and mind.


9.   Only the second way is truly wise, because joy (bliss) is the perfect content(ment) stemming from the imperfect form of truth, superconscious from superego, whereas pleasure, down below, is the imperfect content(ment) that stems from the perfect form of knowledge, as conscious from ego, and in all imperfection there is dissatisfaction and the desire for something better.


10.  Additional knowledge of a phenomenal order will not truly satisfy such a desire, because knowledge is perfect form, and thus a vicious value that simply constrains its devotee to the sinful folly, even in 'rebirth', of formful perfection.


11.  Hence the devotee of Christian knowledge will remain 'bogged down' in perfect form, and thus be given to masculine idolatry to the exclusion of perfect content(ment), the spiritual content(ment) that follows from a formfully imperfect premise in truth, which is superegocentric knowledge about the spirit, the metaphysical knowledge, in short, of the superman (in God), as opposed to the physical knowledge of man (in Christ).


12.  And metaphysical knowledge leads the superman's superegocentric self, via God, to the perfection of Heaven, as surely as physical knowledge leads man's egocentric self, via Christ, to the imperfection of the earth.  Only Heaven, however, is truly otherworldly, and thus the solution to the problem, for man, of the world.


13.  For woman, on the other hand, the world, combining masculine and feminine elements, vegetation and water, is not a problem but a means to her end, the end, more usually, of maternal satisfaction in the perfect glory of chemical soul (pride).


14.  For just as the male side of life is divisible between the perfect form of Christian knowledge and the perfect content(ment) of Superchristian joy, the former viciously stupid (sinful) and the latter virtuously kind (wise), so the female side of life is divisible between the perfect power of Superheathen beauty and the perfect glory of Heathen pride, the former viciously cruel (criminal) and the latter virtuously just (punishing).


15.  Hence whereas man is divided between the physical perfection of the ego (knowledge) and the metaphysical perfection of the mind (joy), woman's division is between the metachemical perfection of the id (beauty) and the chemical perfection of the soul (pride), the latter of which is her objective end, insofar as perfect glory is of greater satisfaction, being emotional, than perfect power, which is really more a starting-point than a finishing one.


16.  Thus the interests of the sexes are diametrically antithetical, insofar as it is woman's desire to fall to the lowest glory, the perfect glory of pride in the chemical soul, whilst it is - or should be - man's desire to rise to the highest content(ment), the perfect content(ment) of joy in the metaphysical mind.


17.  Ultimately one cannot, as a man, have it both ways: either one accommodates the world through the half-truths of Christian knowledge and makes do with psychical imperfection through intellectual pleasure, or one turns completely away from it though the whole truth of Superchristian knowledge, and achieves the possibility of psychical perfection through spiritual joy (bliss).


18.  Either one remains a man, even if semi-truthful and thus properly Christian (Catholic), or one becomes a superman, for whom Heaven is less a post-earthly hope than a living actuality.  Those in the latter category will always be the exception to the rule so long as most men persist in remaining worldly, and thus more disposed to intellectual taking than to spiritual being.