1.   To contrast, within the metachemical axis of space-time objectivity, the materialist per se of science (cosmology) with the realistic materialism of 'bovaryized' politics (authoritarianism), the naturalistic materialism of 'bovaryized' economics (feudalism), and the idealistic materialism of 'bovaryized' religion (fundamentalism).


2.   To contrast, within the chemical axis of volume-mass objectivity, the realist per se of politics (parliamentarianism) with the materialistic realism of 'bovaryized' science (chemistry), the naturalistic realism of 'bovaryized' economics (socialism), and the idealistic realism of 'bovaryized' religion (humanism).


3.   To contrast, within the physical axis of mass-volume subjectivity, the naturalist per se of economics (capitalism) with the materialistic naturalism of 'bovaryized' science (physics), the realistic naturalism of 'bovaryized' politics (republicanism), and the idealistic naturalism of 'bovaryized' religion (nonconformism).


4.   To contrast, within the metaphysical axis of time-space subjectivity, the idealist per se of religion (transcendentalism) with the materialistic idealism of 'bovaryized' science (ontology), the realistic idealism of 'bovaryized' politics (totalitarianism), and the naturalistic idealism of 'bovaryized' economics (corporatism).


5.   From the sensual extreme (noumenal) right-wing materialism of spatial space to the sensible extreme (noumenal) left-wing materialism of repetitive time within the metachemical axis of space-time objectivity, as from photons to photinos.


6.   From the sensual moderate (phenomenal) right-wing realism of volumetric volume to the sensible moderate (phenomenal) left-wing realism of massed mass within the chemical axis of volume-mass objectivity, as from electrons (conventional) and/or positrons (radical) to electrinos (conventional) and/or positrinos (radical).


7.   From the sensual moderate (phenomenal) left-wing naturalism of massive mass to the sensible moderate (phenomenal) right-wing naturalism of voluminous volume within the physical axis of mass-volume subjectivity, as from neutrons (conventional) and/or deuterons (radical) to neutrinos (conventional) and/or deuterinos (radical).


8.   From the sensual extreme (noumenal) left-wing idealism of sequential time to the sensible extreme (noumenal) right-wing idealism of spaced space within the metaphysical axis of time-space subjectivity, as from protons to protinos.


9.   That which begins, in sensuality, on the Right ends, in sensibility, on the Left, whereas that which begins, in sensuality, on the Left ends, in sensibility, on the Right, the 'First' effectively becoming 'Last', and the 'Last' ... 'First'.


10.  The salvation, as from sensuality to sensibility, 'once-born' to 're-born' affiliation, of the materialist Right can only be in the materialist Left, as from eyes to heart, whereas the salvation of the idealist Left, by contrast, can only be in the idealist Right, as from ears to lungs.


11.  The salvation, as from sensuality to sensibility, 'once-born' to 're-born' affiliation, of the realist right can only be in the realist left, as from tongue to womb, whereas the salvation of the naturalist left, by contrast, can only be in the naturalist right, as from phallus to brain.


12.  That which is saved to sensibility 'falls' or 'rises', depending on its gender, to a contrary position to how it was in sensuality, the 'First', to repeat, becoming 'Last', and the 'Last' ... 'First'.


13.  The liberal doctrine of equality is intensely inimical to Christianity and Christian-type 'rebirths' in which men turn away from (the heathenistic dominion of) women, as from, at that point, second-class citizens.


14.  The emphasis on equality between all persons, irrespective of gender, follows from a Protestant-type anti-Christian stance in social liberalism, and leads, via theoretical equality between men and women, to a practical inequality in which women are effectively 'top dogs', or first-class citizens, in a heathenistic society dominated by immoral (objective) criteria, as pertinent not to vegetation and air, but to fire and water.


15.  Such a 'free' society, whether phenomenal (and Heathen) or noumenal (and Superheathen), is the female enemy of everything male and 'bound', whether phenomenal (and Christian) or noumenal (and Superchristian).


16.  Such a 'free' society rages war on everything subjective, and hence moral, and does so under the delusory banner of equality between men and women, even though, in practice, female domination is patently the norm, the 'XY' chromosomal integrity of male dualism effectively eclipsed, to use a metaphorical analogue, by the 'XX' chromosomal cosh of female objectivity, at the expense, needless to say, of liberal values.


17.  Freedom is the enemy not only of God but of man, since that man who is the dupe of freedom is unable to achieve an accommodation with God, the God, more specifically, of the superman when he is attuned to his lungs and meditates.


18.  At one time things in the West were largely bound (to the Catholic Church); then they became, under Protestant liberalism, both bound and free in approximately equal measure; now they are free to an extent no longer commensurate with phenomenal relativity but, under the 'Liberty Belle', with noumenal absolutism, the Americanized freedom which stands at a barbarous remove from anything cultural and rages war on culture, or the residues thereof, wherever it may still be found.  But such barbarism paradoxically calls itself 'culture', even though nothing could be further from the truth.


19.  When decadent, the civilized person becomes pseudo-barbarous and the cultural person pseudo-natural.  This is enough to explain the respective fates of most Englishmen and Irishmen (not to mention Scotsmen and Welshmen) under American influence in the twentieth century.


20.  Even civilization, as defined by me in relation to feminine criteria of watery realism, is inimical to culture when it strives to dominate and replace it on the basis of a political hegemony.


21.  If there is to be a new culture for the twenty-first century and beyond, a Superchristian culture that 'flies in the face' of Superheathen barbarism, there will likewise have to be a new nature, down below, that 'flies in the face' of Heathen civilization, thereby becoming a partner to culture rather than, like English civilization traditionally, its liberal enemy.


22.  Thus we return to the desirability, already well-documented in my writings, of a democratically-established Centrist federation ... of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales on the one hand, and of an English republic on the other hand, the latter the economic counterpart to what, in its cultural essence, would be a religion-centred federation of the Gaels.