1.   The ideological philosophy of Social Transcendentalism would not be complete without reference to an emblem to which it subscribes, and this emblem will take the form of what, in a variety of earlier texts, I have customarily termed a 'supercross', meaning an inverted version of the CND emblem, in which the two short bands that diagonally stem from the long vertical band - symbolical for me of the existential/experiential Son in relation to both the experimental Father and the emanational Holy Ghost - will be at the top rather than at the bottom of the design in question, and all, needless to say, within the circumscribed bounds of an encapsulating circle of equivalent width.


2.   From the righthand-most band of this 'supercross', the band of the Holy Ghost, will stem the 'masculine sign', viz. an arrowed pointer on an extended arm of equivalent width, suggestive of the 'right on' of things towards the triadic Beyond and definitive Heaven, and to complement it at the foot of the vertical band the 'feminine sign' of an equilateral cross will project downwards, thereby confirming the conjunction of the female element with that of the male one in the Superchristian framework of the triadic Beyond.


3.   Colour-wise, the emblem thus constituted will be in purple on a sky-blue ground, suggestive of the spiritual, and there will also be space in between the bands at the top of the 'supercross' for the letters S.T., standing for Social Transcendentalism, or their Gaelic equivalents.


4.   Moreover, I see no reason, if the respective components of my envisaged Centrist Federation desire it, why there should not be mini-versions of their current flags to either side, lower down, of the vertical band, so that people would know where they came from in the event of opting for the supra-national transcendence of their respective Gaelic traditions.


5.   Hence rather than the Irish tricolour and the Union Jack (for Britain in toto would not be eligible for 'Kingdom Come', England having a separate emblem in the cross of St. George), the Irish tricolour, say, and the cross of St. David, the cross of St. Andrew, and the Welsh Dragon ... could well be the principal emblems to qualify for inclusion within the overall emblem of Social Transcendentalism, the emblem of a Centrist federation of, hopefully, Ireland (both North and South), Scotland, and Wales, with the possibility of the Isle of Man and one or two other places coming into the overall framework in due course.


6.   Now such a preponderantly religious emblem should not just exist on a rectilinear flag but also, and more importantly, on a curvilinear plaque, suggestive of the transcendence of political nationalism in the cultural supra-nationalism of the Gaelic federation, which would be politically rooted in a pseudo-Kingdom, with its executive presidency, and religiously centred in the very genuine Centre of the triadic Beyond, as pertaining to the context of a religiously sovereign People.


7.   Possibly a distinction between the 'ideological' and the 'philosophical' form of this emblem would have to exist, with the likelihood of a flag-like format, embracing, as suggested above, mini-versions of the respective countries of the federation on the one hand, and a purely abstract manifestation of the overall emblem on the other hand, the latter of which would have its residence on a curvilinear plaque, thereby doing proper justice to the Centre, or overall context of the triadic Beyond.


8.   Now the pseudo-Kingdom and the genuine Centre of 'Kingdom Come' would effectively be the reverse of the genuine Kingdom and pseudo-Centre (Established Church with monarchic figurehead) of the United Kingdom, and would need to be distinguished, one from the other, on the basis of a sort of administrative/cultural dichotomy between that which was of the pseudo-Kingdom (and beyond the State) and that which was of the Centre (and beyond the Church).


9.   For in the pseudo-Kingdom and Centre of 'Kingdom Come', both the traditional manifestations of the State and the Church would be transcended, as things pass from the phenomenal realm of the world to the noumenal realm of the Other World, the cultural New Order in which the triadic Beyond should find itself being served, pending a majority mandate for Social Transcendentalism, from the administrative base of the pseudo-Kingdom, as pertaining to the reign of the Superchristian 'philosopher-king' and 'messianic redeemer' whose political headship of the pseudo-Kingdom will necessitate that he be regarded as religious figurehead of the Centre, and thus of the triadic Beyond to which the Supercross more purely pertains.



LONDON 1997 (Revised 2012)