1.   MODES OF FEMALE SALVATION.  Women can be saved, noumenally, from superfeminine personality to subfeminine humility, and, phenomenally, from feminine sensuality to feminine chastity, since in the former case they are progressing from Superheathen evil to Superchristian good, whereas in the latter case they are progressing from Heathen evil to Christian good.  Thus, in the one case, from an absolute evil to an absolute good ... as germane to noumenal devolution, whilst, in the other case, from relative evil to relative good ... as germane to phenomenal devolution.


2.   MODES OF FEMALE DAMNATION.  Conversely, women can be damned, noumenally, from subfeminine humility to superfeminine personality, and, phenomenally, from feminine chastity to feminine sensuality, since in the former case they are regressing from Superchristian good to Superheathen evil, whereas in the latter case they are regressing from Christian good to Heathen evil.  A regression, in other words, from absolute good to absolute evil and from relative good to relative evil.


3.   MODES OF MALE SALVATION.  Men can be saved, noumenally, from submasculine emotionality to supermasculine universality, and, phenomenally, from masculine intellectuality to masculine spirituality, since in the former case they are progressing from Superheathen evil to Superchristian good, whereas in the latter case they are progressing from Heathen evil to Christian good.  Thus, in the one case, from absolute evil to absolute good ... as germane to noumenal evolution, whilst, in the other case, from relative evil to relative good ... as germane to phenomenal evolution.


4.   MODES OF MALE DAMNATION.  Conversely, men can be damned, noumenally, from supermasculine universality to submasculine emotionality, and, phenomenally, from masculine spirituality to masculine intellectuality, since in the former case they are regressing from Superchristian good to Superheathen evil, whereas in the latter case they are regressing from Christian good to Heathen evil.  A regression, in other words, from absolute good to absolute evil and from relative good to relative evil.


5.   COMPARATIVE FEMALE DAMNATION.  When we compare the genders, on the other hand, the Christian/Superchristian females are 'damned' vis-à-vis their male counterparts, since the latter exist in a Christian/Superchristian Heaven which is at a masculine/supermasculine remove from feminine/subfeminine Hell.


6.   COMPARATIVE MALE DAMNATION.  Conversely, the Superheathen/Heathen males are 'damned' vis-à-vis their female counterparts, since the latter exist in a Superheathen/Heathen Hell which, existing at a superfeminine/feminine remove from submasculine/masculine Heaven, has tended to be regarded in a superior, if not heavenly, light.