1.   HEATHEN/CHRISTIAN MALES.  Heathen males are inclined to 'look up' to women, whereas Christian males are disposed to 'look down' upon women - the former damned (cursed by female domination) and the latter saved (from female domination).  Damned to the Devil and saved by God, whether relatively (Heathen/Christian) or absolutely (Superheathen/Superchristian).


2.   CHRISTIAN SALVATION.  The Christian salvation, whether with regard to females (from sensuality to chastity) or males (from intellectuality to spirituality) does not logically lead to the Superchristian salvation, the true salvation (noumenal) of 'Kingdom Come'.  One does not save from chastity to humility or, conversely, from spirituality to universality.  The person who has accepted Christian salvation will not normally seek an alternative salvation.  On the contrary, he/she lives on the phenomenal plane of Christianity and is resigned to it.  Christian salvation is effectively an end-in-itself for such a person.


3.   VISIONARY AFTERLIFE.  Because of its phenomenal limitations, Christianity cannot logically be regarded as the precondition of noumenal salvation in Superchristianity, e.g. Social Transcendentalism.  The Omega Point of the Church is not some Superchristian 'Kingdom Come' but the grave, wherein 'Eternity' is achieved on the basis of a visionary afterlife.  By and large, the Church is resigned to this personal salvation of the grave, which fulfils rather than threatens its existence.


4.   SECOND COMING.  Yet the Church also acknowledges the possibility of a Second Coming and, in consequence, 'Kingdom Come', in which there will be a 'resurrection of the Dead' to Eternal Life.  In other words something more than the visionary 'resurrection of the Dead' in the grave ... through chemical changes in the brain.  It acknowledges the possibility of Eternal Life through the Second Coming, which is nothing less than the prospect of noumenal salvation.  Yet how can the phenomenal, viz. Christians, be noumenally saved?  Obviously, people who cling to chastity (females) and to spirituality (males) cannot be saved to the noumenal Beyond, since humility is only possible from a Superheathen basis in personality, whilst universality is only possible from a like-basis in emotionality.  One saves from noumenal evil to noumenal good, as from phenomenal evil to phenomenal good.  Thus Christians cannot be saved to either humility or universality (unlike Superheathens), but only to the intermediate salvation, through the Second Coming, of hallucinogenic enlightenment, which is the only way in which the 'resurrection of the Dead', viz. visionary experience in the grave, can be interpreted from a Superchristian standpoint, the standpoint, as already intimated, of noumenal salvation.


5.   INTERMEDIATE SALVATION.  Christians can be brought to 'Kingdom Come', but only via the Second Coming, which is to say, on an intermediate basis in between the humility of angelic subfemininity and the universality of divine supermasculinity.  Such an intermediate position will be a precondition of the Superchristian noumenal extremes of the Mary Child below (subfeminine) and the Holy Spirit of Heaven above (supermasculine).