1.   DEVIL/DEMON DICHOTOMY.  Just as superwomen can be of the light per se or of lightfire (the fiery core of a light context), so we can distinguish the one from the other on the basis of a devil/demon dichotomy, the former genuinely superfeminine and the latter quasi-submasculine.  Generally speaking, I have tended, in the past, to characterize such a distinction in terms of a Hindu/Buddhist analogy, equating the superfeminine per se with black-and-white photography, and the quasi-submasculine 'bovaryization' of the superfeminine with colour photography.


2.   BEAST/WARRIOR DICHOTOMY.  Similarly, just as a subman can be of the fire per se or of firelight (the light-aside of a fiery context), so we can distinguish the one from the other on the basis of a beast/warrior dichotomy, the former genuinely submasculine and the latter quasi-superfeminine.  Generally speaking, I have tended, in the past, to characterize such a distinction in terms of a Satanic/Judaic analogy, equating the submasculine per se with colour film and the quasi-superfeminine 'bovaryization' of the submasculine with black-and-white film.


3.   DEMON/WARRIOR DISTINCTION.  It could be said that whereas the demon 'comes on' to the beast, the warrior 'sucks up' to the devil.


4.   COMPARATIVE SUPERHEATHEN STANDINGS.  The beast is subdivine and the warrior quasi-superdiabolic, whereas the demon is quasi-subdivine and the devil ... superdiabolic.


5.   COMPARATIVE STANDINGS OF ANGELS TO DEVILS.  Compared to devils, angels are subdiabolic, but it makes things easier to regard them simply as angelic vis-à-vis the Devil per se.


6.   COMPARATIVE STANDINGS OF BEASTS TO GODS.  Likewise, compared to gods, beasts are subdivine, but it makes things easier to regard them simply as bestial vis-à-vis God per se.