1.   RELATIONSHIP OF EARTH TO MOON.  Just as the sun in some sense stands in an omega relationship to the Cosmos, so, by contrast, the earth stands in an alpha relationship to the moon, since, like the Cosmos, the earth is basically feminine, whereas the moon has a masculine correlation deriving from its materialistic essence.


2.   RELATIONSHIP OF ANGLICANISM TO PURITANISM.  Yet this alpha/omega dichotomy between the earth and the moon does not, contrary to superficial appearances, translate into a Catholic/Protestant polarity.  On the contrary, Protestantism is itself divisible in such a fashion, with Anglicanism as the denomination which is most of the World and Puritanism as the denomination which has a lunar and thus, by implication, purgatorial correlation.  Thus Anglicanism and Puritanism form a sort of alpha/omega polarity relative to Protestantism, with Presbyterianism taking a pseudo-netherworldly position as the denomination which is closest to the sun without, however, being of the sun (like Judaism), since Protestantism tends, like Christianity in general, to be more lunar than solar or stellar, with a trinity which is correspondingly more cerebral/intellectual than soulful or spiritual.  Hence even the Father is less genuinely fundamentalist/naturalist than pseudo-fundamentalist, having His basis in neither the blood nor the sun but the emotional aspect of the brain, which is to the left, as it were, of its properly intellectual aspect, like Presbyterianism to the left of Puritanism, the Father to the left of the Son, Rugby League to the left of Rugby Union or even, in political terms, the Liberals to the left of the Conservatives.


3.   CATHOLIC DENOMINATIONS.  Catholicism also has its alpha and omega, or feminine and masculine poles, with Eastern Orthodoxy broadly reflective of the alpha and Roman Catholicism of the omega, as between the Blessed Virgin and the Holy Ghost.  It also, of course, has an intermediate denomination/deity, which is rather akin to the Celtic Church traditionally, and which may be identified with the Christ Child, the deity most correlative, so I maintain, with a quasi-spiritual 'bovaryization' of the intellect through prayer, since aptly symbolizing the interiorization of the intellect contrary to any adult predilections for writing, reading, or speaking.  For it is this quasi-spiritual form of intellectuality, necessarily thoughtful, which most prepares the psyche for the grave, and thus for the 'visionary afterlife' which is properly spiritual - the spirituality, in short, of the Holy Ghost.


4.   MORAL JUDGEMENT.  So morally ignorant and un-Christian was the twentieth century, that people voluntarily opted for cremation rather than burial, so accustomed were they to a light-based and cinema/television-conditioned lifestyle closer, in effect, to the fiery alpha than to the spiritual omega.  Hence they willingly agreed to have their corpse reduced to a pile of smouldering ashes rather than suffer a spiritual afterlife in the grave.  They were not even Heathen (Protestant), but effectively Superheathen, for whom there was no afterlife (as I have defined it both here and elsewhere), but simply death, and thus a complete shutdown of psychic activity.  And so they wished to have their corpse disposed of as quickly as possible.  Yet cremation is, in some sense, a moral judgement, whereby instead of going straight to Heaven (in the narrowly Christian sense of posthumous 'visionary' experience in the grave) ones goes if not straight ... then presently to Hell or, at any rate, to a fiery Subheaven which is closer to the Satanic beast.  Thus do they 'meet their Maker'!