1.   ALPHA EXTREME RIGHT VIS-À-VIS OMEGA EXTREME LEFT.  Broadly, 'Leftism' is identifiable with subjectivity and 'Rightism', by contrast, with objectivity, the former radical and the latter conservative.  Thus in the idealist/transcendentalist distinction, for example, between the eyes and the lungs, the former are identifiable with noumenal not-self objectivity, and hence the alpha Extreme Right, while the latter are identifiable with noumenal self subjectivity, and hence the omega Extreme Left.


2.   ALPHA EXTREME LEFT VIS-À-VIS OMEGA EXTREME RIGHT.  Similarly, in the naturalist/fundamentalist distinction between the ears and the heart, the former are identifiable with noumenal not-self subjectivity, and hence the alpha Extreme Left, while the latter are identifiable with noumenal self subjectivity, and hence the omega Extreme Right.


3.   ALPHA RIGHT VIS-À-VIS OMEGA LEFT.  Likewise, in the materialist/nonconformist distinction between the tongue and the brain, the former is identifiable with phenomenal not-self objectivity, and hence the alpha Right, while the latter is identifiable with phenomenal self subjectivity, and hence the omega Left.


4.   ALPHA LEFT VIS-À-VIS OMEGA RIGHT.  Finally, in the realist/humanist distinction between the flesh and the womb, the former is identifiable with phenomenal not-self subjectivity, and hence the alpha Left, while the latter is identifiable with phenomenal self objectivity, and hence the omega Right.