1. BRIGHTNESS VIS-À-VIS LIGHTNESS. To contrast the alpha-most to alpha-least
extreme right-wing nature of the Clear/Unclear Brightness (Light) of the Void
(in both external and internal manifestations) with the omega-least to
omega-most extreme left-wing nature of the Holy/Unholy Lightness (Spirit) of
Heaven (in both external and internal manifestations).
2. HOTNESS VIS-À-VIS BADNESS. To contrast the alpha-most to alpha-least
extreme left-wing nature of the Clear/Unclear Hotness (Fire) of Time with the
omega-least to omega-most extreme right-wing nature of the Holy/Unholy Badness
(Soul) of Hell.
3. COLDNESS VIS-À-VIS GOODNESS. To contrast the alpha-most to alpha-least
right-wing nature of the Clear/Unclear Coldness (Ice) of Volume with the
omega-least to omega-most left-wing nature of the Holy/Unholy Goodness (Mind)
of Purgatory.
4. DARKNESS VIS-À-VIS HEAVINESS. To contrast the alpha-most to alpha-least
left-wing nature of the Clear/Unclear Darkness (Soil) of Mass with the
omega-least to omega-most right-wing nature of the Holy/Unholy Heaviness (Womb)
of the World.