1.   SENSE AND SENSIBILITY.  To contrast idealism with transcendentalism, naturalism with fundamentalism, materialism with nonconformism, and realism with humanism ... on the basis of a distinction between sensuality and sensibility, elements and elementinos.


2.   DEVOLVING WITHIN SPACE.  To devolve from the sequential Space of the Clear Light of the Outer Void to the spatial Space of the Clear Light of the Inner Void via the massed Space of the Unclear Light of the Outer Void and the volumetric Space of the Unclear Light of the Inner Void.


3.   EVOLVING WITHIN SPACE.  To evolve from the repetitive Space of the Holy Spirit of Outer Heaven to the spaced Space of the Holy Spirit of Inner Heaven via the massive Space of the Unholy Spirit of Outer Heaven and the voluminous Space of the Unholy Spirit of Inner Heaven.


4.   DEVOLVING WITHIN TIME.  To devolve from the sequential Time of the Clear Fire of Outer Time to the spatial Time of the Clear Fire of Inner Time via the massed Time of the Unclear Fire of Outer Time and the volumetric Time of the Unclear Fire of Inner Time.


5.   EVOLVING WITHIN TIME.  To evolve from the repetitive Time of the Holy Soul of Outer Hell to the spaced Time of the Holy Soul of Inner Hell via the massive Time of the Unholy Soul of Outer Hell and the voluminous Time of the Unholy Soul of Inner Hell.


6.   DEVOLVING WITHIN VOLUME.  To devolve from the sequential Volume of the Clear Ice of Outer Volume to the spatial Volume of the Clear Ice of Inner Volume via the massed Volume of the Unclear Ice of Outer Volume and the volumetric Volume of the Unclear Ice of Inner Volume.


7.   EVOLVING WITHIN VOLUME.  To evolve from the repetitive Volume of the Holy Mind of Outer Purgatory to the spaced Volume of the Holy Mind of Inner Purgatory via the massive Volume of the Unholy Mind of Outer Purgatory and the voluminous Volume of the Unholy Mind of Inner Purgatory.


8.   DEVOLVING WITHIN MASS.  To devolve from the sequential Mass of the Clear Soil of Outer Mass to the spatial Mass of the Clear Soil of Inner Mass via the massed Mass of the Unclear Soil of Outer Mass and the volumetric Mass of  the Unclear Soil of Inner Mass.


9.   EVOLVING WITHIN MASS.  To evolve from the repetitive Mass of the Holy Id of the Outer World to the spaced Mass of the Holy Id of the Inner World via the massive Mass of the Unholy Id of the Outer World and the voluminous Mass of the Unholy Id of the Inner World.