1.   PRIMAL DOING VIS-À-VIS SUPREME BEING.  To contrast the extreme right-wing status of primal doing with the extreme left-wing status of supreme being ... with regard to the noumenal distinction, relative to photons/photinos, between idealism and transcendentalism.


2.   PRIMAL BEING VIS-À-VIS SUPREME DOING.  To contrast the extreme left-wing status of primal being with the extreme right-wing status of supreme doing ... with regard to the noumenal distinction, relative to protons/protinos, between naturalism and fundamentalism.


3.   PRIMAL GIVING VIS-À-VIS SUPREME TAKING.  To contrast the right-wing status of primal giving with the left-wing status of supreme taking ... with regard to the phenomenal distinction, relative to neutrons/neutrinos, between materialism and nonconformism.


4.   PRIMAL TAKING VIS-À-VIS SUPREME GIVING.  To contrast the left-wing status of primal taking with the right-wing status of supreme giving ... with regard to the phenomenal distinction, relative to electrons/electrinos, between realism and humanism.