1.   DIVERGENCE/CONVERGENCE OF THE METACHEMICAL.  The negative metachemistry of sight diverges objectively from the chemical vacuum of the eyes, whereas the negative metachemistry of hearing diverges subjectively from the chemical vacuum of the ears.  Conversely, the positive metachemistry of awareness converges subjectively upon the chemical plenum of the air, whereas the positive metachemistry of emotion converges objectively upon the chemical plenum of the blood.


2.   DIVERGENCE/CONVERGENCE OF THE METAPHYSICAL.  Likewise, the negative metaphysics of taste diverges objectively from the physical vacuum of the tongue, whereas the negative metaphysics of touch diverges subjectively from the physical vacuum of the flesh.  Conversely, the positive metaphysics of thought converges subjectively upon the physical plenum of the brain, whereas the positive metaphysics of sex converges objectively upon the physical plenum of the womb.


3.   NOUMENAL OBJECTIVE/SUBJECTIVE CONVERGENCE AND DIVERGENCE.  To diverge objectively through the outer noumenal not-self of the eyes and subjectively through the inner noumenal not-self of the ears, but to converge subjectively through the inner noumenal self of the lungs and objectively through the outer noumenal self of the heart.


4.   PHENOMENAL OBJECTIVE/SUBJECTIVE CONVERGENCE AND DIVERGENCE.  To diverge objectively through the outer phenomenal not-self of the tongue and subjectively through the inner phenomenal not-self of the flesh, but to converge subjectively through the inner phenomenal self of the brain and objectively through the outer phenomenal self of the womb.