- Cycle 081




1.   METACHEMICAL CONTRAST BETWEEN PRIMAL DOING AND SUPREME BEING.  The primal doing of objective divergence through the outer noumenal not-self contrasts metachemically with the supreme being of subjective convergence through the inner noumenal self, as photons contrast with photinos.


2.   METACHEMICAL CONTRAST BETWEEN PRIMAL BEING AND SUPREME DOING.  The primal being of subjective divergence through the inner noumenal not-self contrasts metachemically with the supreme doing of objective convergence through the outer noumenal self, as protons contrast with protinos.


3.   METAPHYSICAL CONTRAST BETWEEN PRIMAL GIVING AND SUPREME TAKING.  The primal giving of objective divergence through the outer phenomenal not-self contrasts metaphysically with the supreme taking of subjective convergence through the inner phenomenal self, as neutrons contrast with neutrinos.


4.   METAPHYSICAL CONTRAST BETWEEN PRIMAL TAKING AND SUPREME GIVING.  The primal taking of subjective divergence through the inner phenomenal not-self contrasts metaphysically with the supreme giving of objective convergence through the outer phenomenal self, as electrons contrast with electrinos.