1.   'JERKS' AND 'BUMS'.  To distinguish the barbarism of 'jerks', if you will, from the culture of 'bums', further distinguishing the negative barbarism of 'snogg*** jerks' from the positive culture of 'snogg*** bums', and the negative culture of 'frigg*** bums' from the positive barbarism of 'frigg*** jerks'.


2.   'PRICKS' AND 'CUNTS'.  To distinguish the civilization of 'pricks', if you will, from the nature of 'cunts', further distinguishing the negative civilization of 'sodd*** cunts' from the positive nature of 'sodd*** pricks', and the negative nature of 'fuck*** pricks' from the positive civilization of 'fuck*** cunts'.


3.   FROM 'SNOGGING' TO 'FUCKING'.  To descend from 'snogging' at the idealist/transcendentalist top to 'fucking' at the realist/humanist bottom via 'frigging' at the naturalist/fundamentalist lower top and 'sodding' at the materialist/nonconformist upper bottom.


4.   'SNOGGING' AND 'FRIGGING'.  Hence whereas idealists and transcendentalists are respectively 'jerks' and 'bums', they are alike 'snoggingly' so ... unlike naturalists and fundamentalists who, although respectively 'bums' and 'jerks', are 'friggingly' so.


5.   'SODDING' AND 'FUCKING'.  Hence whereas materialists and nonconformists are respectively 'cunts' and 'pricks', they are alike 'soddingly' so ... unlike realists and humanists who, although respectively 'pricks' and 'cunts', are 'fuckingly' so.


6.   DAMNABLE FATALITY OF 'CUNTS'.  'Cunts', being objective, are exposed to the possibility of damnation as 'jerks', whether 'snoggingly' (if negative) or 'friggingly' (if positive).


7.   SALVATIONAL FATALITY OF 'PRICKS'.  'Pricks', being subjective, are exposed to the possibility of salvation as 'bums', whether 'friggingly' (if negative) or 'snoggingly' (if positive).


8.   DAMNATION OF 'CUNTS' TO 'JERKS'.  The damnation of negative 'cunts' to negative 'jerks', or materialists to idealists, is paralleled, in the 'reborn' context, by the damnation of positive 'cunts' to positive 'jerks', or humanists to fundamentalists.


9.   SALVATION OF 'PRICKS' TO 'BUMS'.  The salvation of negative 'pricks' to negative 'bums', or realists to naturalists, is paralleled, in the 'reborn' context, by the salvation of positive 'pricks' to positive 'bums', or nonconformists to transcendentalists.


10.  POSITIVE 'BUM' VIS-À-VIS NEGATIVE 'JERK'.  Ultimately, God is a positive 'bum' and the Devil a negative 'jerk' ... as we distinguish the supermasculine from the superfeminine, the spirit of photinos from the light of photons, supreme being from primal doing, positive culture from negative barbarism.


11.  LIGHT/SPIRIT DISTINCTION IN KISSING.  Negative 'jerks' will always keep their eyes open when kissing, whereas positive 'bums' will kiss with closed eyes, bestowing the kiss of sensibility as opposed to sensuality.