1. WHISTLES AND PIPES. To contrast the idealism, comparatively
speaking, of tin whistles with the transcendentalism of pipes, e.g. uilleann pipes - the former affiliated, in their shrill
pitch, to the light/eyes ... and the latter, in the lung-like nature of their
pouches, to the spirit, an objective/subjective distinction between photons and
photinos, the Devil and God.
2. BRASS AND WIND. To contrast the naturalism of brass with the
fundamentalism of wind, e.g. flutes - the former affiliated, in their metallic
brightness and convex apertures, to the fire/ears ... and the latter, in their
vein-like narrow constructions, to the soul - a subjective/objective
distinction between protons and protinos, beast and
3. KEYBOARDS AND ACCORDIONS. To contrast the materialism of keyboards,
e.g. pianos, with the nonconformism of accordions -
the former affiliated, in their tinkering keys, to the ice/tongue ... and the
latter, in their cerebral compactness, to the mind, an objective/subjective
distinction between neutrons and neutrinos, crook and saint.
4. GUITARS AND STRINGS. To contrast the realism of plucked stringed
instruments, e.g. guitars, with the humanism of bowed stringed instruments,
e.g. violins - the former affiliated, in their bodily openness, to the
soil/flesh ... and the latter, in their womb-like interiority, to the id, a
subjective/objective distinction between electrons and electrinos,
sinner and angel.
TYPE. Generally speaking, objective
instruments tend to be played in conjunction with a score, whereas subjective
instruments are normally played independently of scores.
6. NEGATIVE DAMNATION OF PIANOS. Just as materialism can be negatively damned
to idealism, so pianos can be negatively damned to tin whistles, and electric
pianos likewise negatively damned to whistle-like synthesizers.
7. NEGATIVE DAMNATION OF BOOKS. A literary parallel to the above ... would be
the contemporary negative damnation of paperbacks to photographic plates,
whereas, traditionally, one would have to consider the inclusion of drawings
and/or illustrations in hardbacks as significant of a negative damnation.
The idealism of the Devil contrasts with the transcendentalism of God
... as the naturalism of the beast contrasts with the fundamentalism of the
warrior, the materialism of the crook with the nonconformism
of the saint, and the realism of the sinner with the humanism of the angel.