1.   REAPPRAISAL OF ELEMENTS AND ELEMENTINOS.  Previously, when distinguishing elements from elementinos, I have tended to keep them aligned in overlapping spectra, so that, for instance, photons and photinos stood side-by-side above protons and protinos, and these in turn above neutrons and neutrinos, with electrons and electrinos at the bottom.  It seemed, at the time, a good idea.  But time, of course, has a way of moving on, and what may have previously seemed a good idea can become, under pressure of fresh insights and logical gains, an outdated and even untenable one afterwards.  Such is the case here concerning elements and elementinos, and it arises in connection with the dubiousness of considering, for example, protons subjective but protinos objective, or, alternatively, electrons subjective but electrinos objective.  Surely, if protons and electrons are subjective, given their correlation with the senses of hearing and touching, then protinos and electrinos should be so too, only more so, bearing in mind their smaller and more refined constitution.  And surely, to reverse the argument, if photons and neutrons are objective, given their correlation with the senses of sight and taste, then photinos and neutrinos should not be subjective so much as less objective than their larger counterparts?  A self-evident contention, you may say, and one, I am confident, that will enable us to reappraise the standing of elements and elementinos in terms of a sort of oblique progression and/or regression, depending on the context, from an element to its corresponding elementino, thereby doing away with the notion of overlapping spectra.  Thus, for example, the photon could be said to regress to the photino, as from idealism to fundamentalism, while the proton would be seen to progress to the protino, as from naturalism to transcendentalism.  Similarly, the neutron could be said to regress to the neutrino, as from materialism to humanism, while the electron would be seen to progress to the electrino, as from realism to nonconformism.  Whether or not an oblique, or diagonal, progression or regression from one spectrum to another actually takes place, we now have an alternative structure in which to envisage the existence of elements and elementinos.  Let us now put it to the test!


2.   IDEALISM AND FUNDAMENTALISM.  To contrast the idealism of photons with the fundamentalism of photinos, the former affiliated to the light/eyes and the latter to the blood/heart ... in what amounts to an extreme right-wing distinction between primal and supreme modes of doing.


3.   NATURALISM AND TRANSCENDENTALISM.  To contrast the naturalism of protons with the transcendentalism of protinos, the former affiliated to the fire/ears and the latter to the air/lungs ... in what amounts to an extreme left-wing distinction between primal and supreme modes of being.


4.   MATERIALISM AND HUMANISM.  To contrast the materialism of neutrons with the humanism of neutrinos, the former affiliated to the ice/tongue and the latter to the child/womb ... in what amounts to a right-wing distinction between primal and supreme modes of giving.


5.   REALISM AND NONCONFORMISM.  To contrast the realism of electrons with the nonconformism of electrinos, the former affiliated to the soil/flesh and the latter to the intellect/brain ... in what amounts to a left-wing distinction between primal and supreme modes of taking.


6.   PHOTON/PHOTINO BASIS OF DOING.  Thus primal doing and supreme doing would have the same element/elementino in common, the only difference being that primal doing is of the photon and supreme doing of the photino, a distinction, in effect, between idealism and fundamentalism or, in theological terms, the Antifather (more correctly, the Anti-allah, or Clear Light, in relation to fundamentalism per se) and the Father (more correctly, Allah in relation to genuine fundamentalism).


7.   PROTON/PROTINO BASIS OF BEING.  Thus primal being and supreme being would have the same element/elementino in common, the only difference being that primal being is of the proton and supreme being of the protino, a distinction, in effect, between naturalism and transcendentalism or, in theological terms, the Antispirit and the Holy Spirit (more correctly, the Holy Spirit of Heaven in relation to transcendentalism per se).


8.   NEUTRON/NEUTRINO BASIS OF GIVING.  Thus primal giving and supreme giving would have the same element/elementino in common, the only difference being that primal giving is of the neutron and supreme giving of the neutrino, a distinction, in effect, between materialism and humanism or, in theological terms, the Antimother and the Mother.


9.   ELECTRON/ELECTRINO BASIS OF TAKING.  Thus primal taking and supreme taking would have the same element/elementino in common, the only difference being that primal taking is of the electron and supreme taking of the electrino, a distinction, in effect, between realism and nonconformism or, in theological terms, the Antichrist and Christ.