1.   BARBAROUS DOING AND CULTURAL BEING.  Whereas doing is barbarous, being is cultural, whether negatively or positively, in relation to photons/photinos or protons/protinos.


2.   CIVILIZED GIVING AND NATURAL TAKING.  Whereas giving is civilized, taking is natural, whether negatively or positively, in relation to neutrons/neutrinos or electrons/electrinos.


3.   SUPERFEMININE/SUBFEMININE MODES OF DOING.  Doing is superfeminine in the primal context of idealism and subfeminine in the supreme context of fundamentalism.


4.   SUBMASCULINE/SUPERMASCULINE MODES OF BEING.  Conversely, being is submasculine in the primal context of naturalism and supermasculine in the supreme context of transcendentalism.


5.   NEGATIVE/POSITIVE FEMININE MODES OF GIVING.  Giving is negatively feminine in the primal context of materialism and positively feminine in the supreme context of humanism.


6.   NEGATIVE/POSITIVE MASCULINE MODES OF TAKING.  Taking is negatively masculine in the primal context of realism and positively masculine in the supreme context of nonconformism.