1.   FULL GAMUT OF SENSIBILITY.  From the Devil of sensibility, viz. Allah/the Father, to the God of sensibility, viz. the Holy Spirit/the Holy Spirit of Heaven, via the woman of sensibility, viz. the Mother, and the man of sensibility, viz. Christ.  In other words, from the heart to the lungs via the womb and the brain.


2.   FULL GAMUT OF SENSUALITY.  From the Antidevil of sensuality, viz. the Anti-allah/Antifather, to the Antigod of sensuality, viz. the Antispirit, via the antiwoman of sensuality, viz. the Antimother, and the antiman of sensuality, viz. the Antichrist.  In other words, from the eyes to the ears via the tongue and the flesh.


3.   COMMON SENSE VIS-À-VIS UNCOMMON SENSIBILITY.  Men of uncommon sensibility are invariably outnumbered by men of common sense.


4.   EITHER OR, NOT BOTH.  Those who have the most common sense usually have the least uncommon sensibility, and vice versa.


5.   VICIOUS NATURE OF SENSES.  Common sense flies in the face of virtue and, indeed, of all that is holy.  For, at bottom, the senses are vicious, appertaining to Original Sin.


6.   GRADES OF ORIGINAL SIN.  There is, besides the most Original Sin of the eyes, the more (relative to most) Original Sin of the tongue, the less (relative to least) Original Sin of the flesh, and the least (relative to less) Original Sin of the ears.  That is to say, there are descending grades and degrees of Original Sin ... from the Antidevil to the Antigod via the Antiwoman and the Antiman, as from science to religion via politics and economics within the framework, necessarily negative, of the elements, viz. photons, neutrons, electrons, and protons.


7.   GENUINE AND FALSE LITERATURE.  That which is predominantly written from the standpoint of sensibility is the genuine literature of virtue, whereas that which is predominantly written from the standpoint of sensuality is the false literature of vice.


8.   CATEGORIES OF LITERARY SENSIBILITY.  When written from the standpoint of sensibility, poetry is the literature of intellectual fundamentalism, drama the literature of intellectual humanism, fiction the literature of intellectual nonconformism, and philosophy the literature of intellectual transcendentalism.


9.   CATEGORIES OF LITERARY SENSUALITY.  When written from the standpoint of sensuality, poetry is the 'literature' of anti-intellectual idealism, drama the 'literature' of anti-intellectual realism, fiction the 'literature' of anti-intellectual materialism, and philosophy the 'literature' of anti-intellectual naturalism.


10.  ANTI-LITERATURE.  All vicious literature, written from the standpoint of sensuality, is effectively anti-literary, and hence basically philistine in its negativity.  It is the antipoetry, antidrama, antifiction, and antiphilosophy of the 'once born' who, for reasons best known to themselves, scorn the 'reborn', in pursuance of sensual vice.


11.  SEX AND MATERNITY.  Sex is both masculine and vicious, rooted in the less (relative to least) Original Sin of the flesh and, in particular, the penis.  Maternity, on the other hand, is virtuous, and thus the redemption of woman in and through the mundane sensibility of the womb.


12.  MALE VICE AND FEMALE VIRTUE.  Man sins through the flesh, whereas woman is (or can be) saved to the mundane sensibility of maternal virtue as a result of sex, falling from ignorance into beauty.


13.  UGLINESS OF COITUS.  Man cannot rise from ugliness to knowledge whilst he is yet subject to the flesh and its sexual sin.  He remains, on the contrary, antichristically disposed to the ugliness of coitus.


14.  REDEMPTIVE GRACE.  To distinguish the damnation of Original Sin from the salvation of what could be called Redemptive Grace, further distinguishing the least Redemptive Grace of the heart from the less (relative to least) Redemptive Grace of the womb, and the more (relative to most) Redemptive Grace of the brain from the most Redemptive Grace of the lungs, as one ascends from the Devil to God via woman and man, or science to religion via politics and economics within the framework, necessarily positive, of the elementinos, viz. photinos, neutrinos, electrinos, and protinos.