1.   PHENOMENAL SELVES FOR BETTER OR WORSE.  Better than the subjective phenomenal self of the brain is the subjective noumenal self of the lungs.  Worse than the objective phenomenal self of the womb is the objective noumenal self of the heart.


2.   PHENOMENAL NOT-SELVES FOR BETTER OR WORSE.  Better than the subjective phenomenal not-self (antiself) of the flesh is the subjective noumenal not-self of the ears.  Worse than the objective phenomenal not-self (antiself) of the tongue is the objective noumenal not-self of the eyes.


3.   SUPREME QUALITIES FOR BETTER OR WORSE.  Better than the supreme taking of nonconformism is the supreme being of transcendentalism.  Worse than the supreme giving of humanism is the supreme doing of fundamentalism.


4.   PRIMAL QUALITIES FOR BETTER OR WORSE.  Better than the primal taking of realism is the primal being of naturalism.  Worse than the primal giving of materialism is the primal doing of idealism.


5.   SENSIBILITIES FOR BETTER OR WORSE.  Better than the subjective amoral sensibility of thinking is the subjective moral sensibility of breathing.  Worse than the objective amoral sensibility of conceiving is the objective immoral sensibility of feeling.


6.   SENSUALITIES FOR BETTER OR WORSE.  Better than the subjective amoral sensuality of touching is the subjective moral sensuality of hearing.  Worse than the objective amoral sensuality of tasting is the objective immoral sensuality of seeing.


7.   CONSTITUTIONALITY FOR BETTER OR WORSE.  Better than constitutional economics is constitutional religion.  Worse than constitutional politics is constitutional science.


8.   UNCONSTITUTIONALITY FOR BETTER OR WORSE.  Better than unconstitutional economics is unconstitutional religion.  Worse than unconstitutional politics is unconstitutional science.


9.   APPARENT/ESSENTIAL DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN SENSUALITY AND SENSIBILITY.  Sensuality can be objective or subjective, sensibility likewise, but all sensuality is apparent, whereas all sensibility is essential.


10.  SENSUAL ALPHA VIS-À-VIS SENSIBLE OMEGA.  To contrast the alpha of sensuality with the omega of sensibility on the basis of an apparent/essential, centrifugal/centripetal, divergent/convergent dichotomy which is subdivisible into objective and subjective manifestations thereof - seeing and tasting being objective modes of sensuality compared with hearing and touching; thinking and breathing being subjective modes of sensibility compared with conceiving and feeling.