1.   DEVOLUTIONARY OVERVIEW FROM SCIENCE TO RELIGION IN SENSUALITY.  From the metachemistry of science to the chemistry of religion via the metaphysicality of politics and the physicality of economics.


2.   EVOLUTIONARY OVERVIEW FROM SCIENCE TO RELIGION IN SENSIBILITY.  From the chemistry of science to the metachemistry of religion via the physicality of politics and the metaphysicality of economics.


3.   DEVOLUTIONARY OVERVIEW FROM LIGHT TO FIRE.  From the negative metachemistry of light to the negative chemistry of fire via the negative metaphysicality of water and the negative physicality of earth, as from brightness to hotness via coldness and darkness.


4.   EVOLUTIONARY OVERVIEW FROM BLOOD TO AIR.  From the positive chemistry of blood to the positive metachemistry of air via the positive physicality of offspring and the positive metaphysicality of thought, as from rashness to lightness via heaviness and shrewdness.


5.   DEVOLUTIONARY OVERVIEW FROM EYES TO EARS.  From the negative metachemistry of the eyes to the negative chemistry of the ears via the negative metaphysicality of the tongue and the negative physicality of the flesh.


6.   EVOLUTIONARY OVERVIEW FROM HEART TO LUNGS.  From the positive chemistry of the heart to the positive metachemistry of the lungs via the positive physicality of the womb and the positive metaphysicality of the brain.