1.   DISCIPLINARY CONTRASTS.  To contrast the divinity of religion with the devility of science, and the masculinity of economics with the femininity of politics, whether in sensuality or sensibility, appearance or essence.


2.   DISCIPLINARY ANTAGONISMS.  It is as logical for politics to want to do away with economics, woman with man, as for science to want to do away with religion, the Devil with God.  The ‘objective’ are no friends of the ‘subjective’!


3.   THEOCRATIC DICHOTOMY OF SPACE.  With the idealism of spatial Space, sensual science is in its per se mould, while sensual economics, politics, and religion are all in 'bovaryized' subordination to such idealism.   With the transcendentalism of spaced Space, by contrast, sensible religion is in its per se mould, while sensible science, politics, and economics are all in 'bovaryized' subordination to such transcendentalism.


4.   AUTOCRATIC DICHOTOMY OF TIME.  With the naturalism of sequential Time, sensual religion is in its per se mould, while sensual economics, politics, and science are all in 'bovaryized' subordination to such naturalism.  With the fundamentalism of repetitive Time, by contrast, sensible science is in its per se mould, while sensible religion, politics, and economics are all in 'bovaryized' subordination to such fundamentalism.


5.   BUREAUCRATIC DICHOTOMY OF VOLUME.  With the materialism of volumetric Volume, sensual politics is in its per se mould, while sensual economics, science, and religion are all in 'bovaryized' subordination such materialism.  With the nonconformism of voluminous Volume, by contrast, sensible economics is in its per se mould, while sensible science, politics, and religion are all in 'bovaryized' subordination to such nonconformism.


6.   DEMOCRATIC DICHOTOMY OF MASS.  With the realism of massed Mass, sensual economics is in its per se mould, while sensual politics, science, and religion are all in 'bovaryized' subordination to such realism.   With the humanism of massive Mass, by contrast, sensible politics is in its per se mould, while sensible science, economics, and religion are all in 'bovaryized' subordination to such humanism.