1.   MORE EVIL AND LESS GOOD.  Although it cannot be said that women are evil and men ... good, as though sensuality were the exclusive preserve of femininity and sensibility the exclusive preserve of masculinity, it can, with reason, be maintained that woman is both more evil and less good than man.  By which I mean that she has a bias, through her femininity, for the objective senses over the subjective ones, thereby being more evil, and a bias, likewise, for the objective sensibilities over the subjective ones, thereby being less good.


2.   MOST EVIL AND LEAST GOOD.  Strictly speaking, woman is more evil than man with regard to the phenomenal objectivity of the tongue as opposed to the phenomenal subjectivity of the flesh, and less good than man with regard to the phenomenal objectivity of the womb as opposed to the phenomenal subjectivity of the brain.  For when we bring the noumenal objectivity of the eyes as opposed to the noumenal subjectivity of the ears into consideration, or, alternatively, the noumenal objectivity of the heart as opposed to the noumenal subjectivity of the lungs, we are dealing less with man and woman than with the Devil and God, the negative devility and divinity of the most and least evil modes of sensuality on the one hand, and the positive devility and divinity of the least and most good modes of sensibility on the other hand.


3.   NOUMENAL/PHENOMENAL DISTINCTIONS OF EVIL VIS-À-VIS GOOD.  Hence it should be maintained that, with regard to sensuality and sensibility, devility is both most evil and least good vis-à-vis divinity, whereas femininity is more (relative to most) evil and less (relative to least) good vis-à-vis masculinity.


4.   DEVILITY VIS-À-VIS DIVINITY IN SENSUALITY AND SENSIBILITY.  Whereas negative devility is most evil and negative divinity ... least evil in relation to their respective noumenal sensualities, positive devility is least good and positive divinity ... most good in relation to their respective noumenal sensibilities.


5.   FEMININITY VIS-À-VIS MASCULINITY IN SENSUALITY AND SENSIBILITY.  Whereas negative femininity is more (relative to most) evil and negative masculinity ... less (relative to least) evil in relation to their respective sensualities, positive femininity is less (relative to least) good and positive masculinity ... more (relative to most) good in relation to their respective sensibilities.


6.   MOST AND LEAST EVIL SENSUALITIES.  Compared with the most evil vice of optical sensuality (staring), the vice of aural sensuality (listening) is least evil, and therefore the noumenal distinction between negative devility and divinity is one in which the former is most evil and the latter least.


7.   MOST AND LEAST GOOD SENSIBILITIES.  Compared with the most good virtue of spiritual sensibility (breathing), the virtue of emotional sensibility (feeling) is least good, and therefore the noumenal distinction between positive divinity and devility is one in which the former is most good and the latter least.


8.   MORE AND LESS EVIL SENSUALITIES.  Compared with the more (relative to most) evil vice of lingual sensuality (tasting/talking), the vice of tactile sensuality (touching) is less (relative to least) evil, and therefore the phenomenal distinction between negative femininity and masculinity is one in which the former is more evil and the latter less.


9.   MORE AND LESS GOOD SENSIBILITIES.  Compared with the more (relative to most) good virtue of intellectual sensibility (thinking), the virtue of maternal sensibility (conceiving) is less (relative to least) good, and therefore the phenomenal distinction between positive masculinity and femininity is one in which the former is more good and the latter less.