101.   The axis of death, of autocracy-democracy, is by and large, though not exclusively, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) in the contemporary world, and the axis of life, of bureaucracy-theocracy, effectively all that is not White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, including White Celtic Catholic and even, in paradoxical vein, White Celtic Protestant, though their subversion of theocracy along autocratic (Anglican) and/or democratic (Puritan) lines does mean that, even when they are more of the Church than the State, their church affiliation is what stands closer to the axis of death than to that of life, even though they may approach such an axis on the paradoxical terms of life and thus within parameters that are either 'snogging' or 'fucking', albeit in relation to 'jerks' and 'pricks'.


102.   Nevertheless, even then one can discern a distinction between these twisted Celts of an autocratic-democratic affiliation and their Anglo-Saxon neighbours in countries like England, and if such a distinction is possible to discern between Protestant Celts and their Anglo-Saxon counterparts, how much more discernible is it in respect of Catholic Celts and Protestant Anglo-Saxons!


103.   Verily, he who underestimates race makes a grave mistake in this life!  As grave a mistake, it could be said, as that made by anyone who underestimates gender or even class.  But the underestimaters are more usually the denigrators of higher values and the reducers of life to the lowest-common-equalitarian-denominator, including death.


104.   Not so long ago I wrote a text called Valuations of a Social Transcendentalist, and it was divided between evaluations, revaluations, and transvaluations.  What it did not deal with - and advisably - were devaluations; for the devaluators are precisely the detractors of life who revel in death, whether from a democratic or, most especially, an autocratic standpoint. 


105.   The devaluers will not have it said that certain things defy equalitarian reductionism and are either ineluctable or too profound to be understood by simple souls.  They refuse to accept the contravention of their negative principles by higher values or ineluctable realities which defy rational explanation.  They would have everything 'brought low' until what goes for one goes for all, and what suits one should be found suitable to everyone.


106.   Thus has democracy poisoned life and made an authority out of the lowly and allowed ignorance to walk unashamed in the guise of knowledge and even - God forbid! - truth.  Instead of elevating life to a higher plane, these lowly democratic 'shits' have made it their business to reduce life to the understanding of man and the governance of man, so that what suffices for and as the 'general good' suffices for all, irrespective of how inapplicable and, indeed, harmful it may be to those whose blood or skin or hair or eyes or heart or soul, or what have you, does not accord with the overall stupidity of the 'sodd*** pricks' who strive to remake the world in their own 'shitty' image.


107.   By making an ideal out of man they alienate the godly, not to mention the womanly and the devilish.  They alienate everyone but themselves, the partisans of their racial or ethnic ideal, and in alienating those who differ from themselves they poison and corrupt life and transform it into a sickly mirror of their own distorted concepts.  For no matter how apparent their victory over autocracy and, incidentally, over both bureaucracy and theocracy, the actuality of opposition to their values persists and undermines even their questionable confidence as to its final worth. 


108.   They may kid themselves that 'fuck*** cunts' are the worst things going, but the reality of their position as 'sodd*** pricks' leaves much to be desired, not least in respect of the fear of 'frigg*** jerks' whose criminality still autocratically persists and is, by any objective evaluation, the worst thing going, the sensual 'first mover' and very Devil Herself! 


109.   At least 'fuck*** cunts' can live in hope of a better world to come, a world characterized by the 'gas' of 'snogg*** bums'.  But 'sodd*** pricks'?  No, their punishment is not better than sin; it is simply contrary to crime and a 'shitty' dead-end that can lead nowhere better, least of all if it turns unequivocally 'shitty' in state-totalitarian vein under the misguided aspirations of Social Democracy!


110.   Democracy is, to be sure, preferable to autocracy, as man to the Devil; but it is a low kind of ideal which makes the notion of an absolute earthiness commensurate with heaven, the ideal of a low kind of class or race which, in opposing autocracy, becomes ever more democratic and mired in the 'shitty' bog of a homosexual dead-end in which the more radical type of 'sodd*** prick' is 'king', and able to flaunt his homosexuality as the logical goal of sexual development, much as his musical counterpart will perform on a solid-bodied electric guitar for the dubious satisfaction of devotees of hard rock and/or heavy metal, or his computing counterpart prefer a single-bay tower/thin-film-transistor (TFT) package to anything else.


111.   This is not the sort of paradise on earth with which a self-respecting human being would wish to identify or lend any encouragement to, and it is doubtful that even many democrats are attracted by it, bearing in mind that the greater proportion of such people are liberal and more flexible in their approach to sodomy, not least in respect of anal heterosexuality.


112.   But if democratic, in parliamentary vein, they remain, then they are, by logical extrapolation, identifiably 'sodd*** pricks' and fundamentally 'shitty' characters who might be preferable to 'frigg*** jerks' but are in no way preferable to 'fuck*** cunts', not because there is not something superficially more attractive about the 'general good' than about the 'general bad' in the incompatible terms in which such worldly alternatives exist, but because, however superior they may consider themselves to be, they have made an ideal out of the earth and turned their back on heaven and reduced life to a life-in-death sodomitic dead-end which, unlike their bureaucratic counterparts on the other side of the world, the female or watery side of it, does not exist in relation to the 'particular good' of theocratic salvation and does not live in hope of the resurrection to a more perfect theocracy in 'Kingdom Come', but rejects and defies the notion of world overcoming from a basis of Hell-overcoming worldliness which, with fear of the 'particular bad' as its motivation, leaves little or no place for anything truly heavenly.


113.   That, more than anything else, is what condemns democracy, and even when the advantages of the physical 'general good' are weighed against the disadvantages of the chemical 'general bad', still the latter live in partnership with the metaphysical 'particular good' and can hope for better things to come, whereas the former can only fear the worse things behind them even when they are obliged to live in partnership with it, as with the metachemical 'particular bad', and struggle cynically with the fascinations of crime, as with the 'pus' of 'frigg*** jerks'.


114.   But, in truth, the advantages which 'sodd*** pricks' have over their worldly neighbours pale to insignificance when once one considers that 'sodding' implies a state hegemony and an anti-sexual attitude commensurate with sexual corruption, whereas the 'fucking' of 'fuck*** cunts' implies a church hegemony and a pro-sexual attitude commensurate with sexual conservatism, a conservatism that does not culminate in the life-denying radicalism of a 'sodding' dead-end but is ever open to the possibility of liberation from 'fucking', as from sin, in the graceful radicalism of a 'snogging' eternity in which the 'bum' is king.


115.   In short, the death-dealing and death-revelling denigrators of life are way off the track; they are not even perversely 'fucking' or 'snogging' like their church counterparts in the arguably more Celtic manifestations of Christian fundamentalism and humanism, but overly 'frigging' and 'sodding' and therefore everything they do and say has been corrupted by their political affiliations to the autocratic-democratic axis and rendered despicable or, at the very least, suspect, turned into an argument against life and an apologetics of death, including the death, not least, of plutocratic greed and materialism.


116.   For it is easier, we have been reliably informed, for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the 'Kingdom of Heaven', and since we identify such a 'Kingdom' with 'Kingdom Come', there can be no doubt that anyone overly identifiable with democracy will be ineligible for theocracy which, as we have seen, requires a bureaucratic precondition in 'Mother Church', and could not emerge Messianically triumphant without such a precondition, and therefore axis of bureaucracy-theocracy, being representatively in place - something that could not be claimed for those affiliated, in democratic vein, to the descending axis of autocracy-democracy which descends, or can descend, all the way down to the most 'shitty' earth-grubbing dirt of which it were possible to conceive, the dirt, needless to say, of a Social Democratic totalitarianism.


117.   There is therefore nothing intrinsically meritorious or morally desirable about democratic freedom as such; for it is not a progressive ideal that enriches life but a death-obsessed solution to the problem, from a democratic standpoint, of autocratic tyranny, the crimes of which, including a tendency to make others physically work for one, exist to be punished and effectively reduced to proportions which allow the false modesty of plutocracy to have its death-exploiting way. 


118.   To say that democracy leads anywhere on this basis would be equivalent to saying that punishment should become the ultimate ideal and that the 'shittyness' of a homosexual disposition therefore achieve universal sanction, something which, even without plutocratic exploitation of that very modesty which revels in democratic punishment, only a clown or a madman would seriously endorse!


119.   But then those whose favoured disposition is 'sodding' are arguably less than sane from a mainstream sexual point of view; for they have reduced life, and the expression of life through sex, to dirt, to their own overly earthy 'shittyness', and in such a reduction is life demeaned and ultimately negated, rendered null and void in the life-in-death partisanship of plutocracy-serving liberal democracy and, more so, in plutocracy-rejecting democracy, or Social Democracy, which is more like an antilife-in-death than life-in-death as such.


120.   Of course, such people can claim that life-in-death is preferable to the Eternal Death, the death-in-death criminality of autocracy, with its aristocratic acquiescence in the crimes of a centrifugal centralization.  But that is a poor excuse for making an ideal, in de-centralizing vein, out of the devolutionary nature of democracy!  For such an ideal stands on shaky legs even before the death-in-life reality of bureaucracy, which may appear superficially inferior to it but is still rooted in life and capable of holding out hope of better things to come for the Faithful as and when they gravitate to theocracy, whether in relation to bureaucracy, or with the coming of the 'Kingdom', that purer theocracy which has been called Social Theocracy and would radically elevate life beyond the world of death-in-life to the otherworld of Eternal Life, a cyborg-oriented eternity that, ultimately, would not be subject to death at all, but stand in eternal testimony to its overcoming, as to the overcoming of man and his obsession with death.


121.   And as a corollary to such an elevation of theocracy would come the transmutation of bureaucracy into antibureaucracy, as the administrative aside of 'God Kingship' to the triadic Beyond of the Centre proper, the foci of religious praxis in 'Kingdom Come', so that even 'fucking' would achieve something of an airy transvaluation in respect of plastic inflatables, or so-called 'sex dolls', for those who required them, and 'snogging' be further enhanced and transcendentalized to a degree inconceivable on a  bureaucratic-theocratic axial basis, a basis transcending the corporeal impersonality of sin and rendered truly universal.


122.   But that is another matter, and before any prospect of 'Kingdom Come' is possible there must first be the bureaucratic-theocratic hope for and expectation of it, which could not be anticipated in respect of those for whom autocracy-democracy is the principal axial affiliation and all thought of 'Kingdom Come' is either democratically subverted to suit the earthy ambitions of plutocrats and/or antiplutocrats (social democrats) or dismissed out-of-hand as a figment of some superstitious imagination and anachronistic disposition which is anti-worker in character and therefore contrary to 'social progress'.


123.   But, then, what would state democrats understand of church bureaucracy when they have no relationship to 'Mother Church' but at most only - and then rather intermittently - relations to some democratic subversion of theocracy that encourages faith in democratic values and its corollary of plutocracy, and thus of a 'heaven on earth' of the 'general good' conceived in respect of liberal democracy or, where the rejecters of plutocracy are concerned, of social democracy and an end to the exploitation of man by man, as to the pluralism of political devolution, in the overly male-oriented centralization of a pseudo-evolutionary state totalitarianism.


124.   Well, it should be apparent that the latter type of people would less be about 'Kingdom Come' than putting an end to liberal democracy and its plutocratic death-revelling exploitation of the masses which would be less a 'heaven on earth', a life-in-death than the political corollary of antilife-on-earth, namely 'antiheaven-on earth', and the rule, to all intents and purposes, of an Antichrist to keep the People pegged to earth in the most unequivocally 'shitty' terms, terms one can only conclude to have intimate associations with outright homosexuality in the dirt of anal coitus.


125.   For if there is earthiness, and nothing more, in the sheath-utilizing heterosexual coitus of 'fuck*** pricks', whose puritanical opposition to conception drives them into the arms of masculine pleasure and what  could be called a sort of life-in-antideath, there is not even earthiness in the anal violation of 'sodd*** pricks', whether allegedly heterosexual or homosexual, but dirt purely and simply, the 'shitty' life-in-death lowness and dead-endedness of a species of man whose sole aim in life is political homosexuality and who goes about achieving this at the expense of the earth and anything that might grow out of and ennoble it by justifying its existence to a higher power and/or being.